
How to Help Your Child Improve Comprehension

Reading is a vital skill that builds the foundation of almost everything else your child will learn throughout their life. Learning how to read — and, more importantly, learning how to enjoy reading — is one of the key factors in your child’s academic success. Nationwide statistics also show that low levels of literacy can … Continued

General / Education

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education

As parents, you are your child’s first and most important teachers. Parents have a hugely important role to play in shaping literacy, social and emotional skills. Parental involvement impacts directly and indirectly on a child’s learning. Here are some tips so you can involve yourself in your child’s development.   Image Source: Pexels   Reading … Continued


How To Help Your Toddler Learn To Love Reading

Fostering a love of reading can help set your little one up for academic success. It can also set the stage for a lifetime of enjoyment. But, just how do you teach your toddler to love reading? I have outlined a few tips below. Take A Trip To The Library Libraries are a great place … Continued


What the CLiF Staff is Reading on National Read a Book Day

Did you know today is National Read a Book Day? Consider this your permission to stop what you’re doing and READ A BOOK! That’s what we’re going to do, because here at CLiF, we love reading and we love sharing our love of reading (and writing!) with low-income, at-risk, and rural kids in New Hampshire … Continued


5 Ways Reading Can Prevent Loneliness

Americans are lonely. The rate of people feeling misunderstood and not heard is at an all-time high. In fact, a study that was conducted by Cigna in May 2018 showed that nearly half of the 20,000 Americans surveyed feel alone or left out.   In order to break away from the pattern of loneliness, people … Continued


The Importance of Reading Bedtime Stories To Your Child Before Sleep

Once upon a time, there was a parent who had a child. For one reason or another, this parent didn’t read to their child. Why? We’re not sure. Perhaps that’s a different story – one that involves excuses like “being too tired” or wanting to binge-watch Friends for the eleventh time because they’re deeply unsatisfied with … Continued

Our history


After 20 Years, CLiF Has Just Begun

Twenty years ago this week the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) was born. Like all new nonprofits, we started small. Our first initiative was the Rural Library Program. We created it to provide collections of new, high-quality children’s books to rural public libraries in New Hampshire or Vermont that were struggling with limited resources, and that … Continued


The Interesting Connection between Literacy and Behavior in Children

People are getting more enlightened today with the help of literacy. Without literacy, we wouldn’t be able to shape meaning out of the world. That is why it is so important to continue fighting for the increase of literacy for everyone. In the case of children, literacy isn’t just about understanding things and expressing opinions. … Continued


A Happy Mind: 5 Ways To Maintain Summer Reading Habits

School starting again means having more things to do: pack lunches, attend meetings, do homework, participate in after-school activities, and the list goes on. While getting back into the swing of the school year is exciting, the shift from summer to fall is overwhelming and often results in the loss of well-formed, closely-followed, summer habits…such … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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