Year of the Book
Our intensive one-year program supports students, staff, and families in elementary schools across VT and NH by building a culture of literacy.
Our free literacy programs and book giveaways inspire under-resourced children throughout New Hampshire and Vermont to fall in love with books.
Our programs include an application process for organizations that serve children who are at risk of growing up with low literacy skills. This helps us make sure that we support the children who need us most.
Our intensive one-year program supports students, staff, and families in elementary schools across VT and NH by building a culture of literacy.
This program supports smaller libraries and communities with an infusion of literacy activities, new books, and ways to connect with local schools.
We create literacy connections between children and incarcerated parents through storytelling, book giveaways, and parent seminars.
We encourage children to read more often during summer vacation with lively storytelling presentations and new books children can select and keep.
This program emphasizes collaboration with community partners outside of the school day, as well as early childhood centers, to provide on-site libraries, inspiring storytelling events, and new books for children.
The Literacy Enrichment Grant offers $1000 in funding that can be used for project-oriented or experiential learning opportunities that bring literacy to life.
We provide $500 to past CLiF partners to help them revive enthusiasm for reading and writing programs.
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.