As a parent, you already know how important reading is to children. Studies have shown that the attitude of a child towards reading and learning is the strongest indicator of how well he or she will do in school, regardless of their economic or social background.

Studies have also shown that children who read for fun are more likely to pass tests, have a deeper understanding of their environment, and develop their vocabulary. While reading has lots of benefits, some children don’t like reading. If your child doesn’t like to read, do not panic. Everything will work out in the end. Here are a few practical tips that you can use to turn a reluctant reader into a bookworm. Let’s get started!

1.    Engage them

You can always show your child how fun reading is by simply telling stories enthusiastically. If you are reading aloud, change your tone, use funny voices, use props, and act when it’s appropriate to make the story vivid and exciting.

If you are reading a long story together, remind your child what happened the last time you read together and speculate what might happen next. After reading the story, ask your child how he or she felt about it. Knowing what your child loved, hated, feared, or learned about the story will make it easier for you to know your child and what kind of books you should get for him/her/them in the future.

2.    Be a good role model

Children look up to their parents. They always know when you’re telling them the truth or simply trying to please them. Therefore, if you want your child to fall in love with reading, you have to fall in love with it first. People who love reading are surrounded by books.

According to essay help, when a child grows up around books, he or she will naturally love books. Reading books and joyfully sharing your honest opinion with your child will encourage him/her/them to start reading books. If you don’t like reading, it will be difficult for your child to fall in love with reading.

3.    Build their confidence

There is nothing as powerful in a child’s world as encouragement from a loving parent. When reading with your child, exercise patience. Remind them of how proud you are when you see them reading. When your child is struggling with new words, boost their confidence by reminding them of all the difficult words they already know. The more confident they are, the easier it will be for them to relax while reading.

4.    Avoid extreme challenges

There is nothing as discouraging to a child than reading a book that is difficult to understand. It’s okay to challenge your child. However, you need to know your child’s reading level. It’s always important to find books that are appropriate for your child’s reading level. You should wait until they get comfortable reading these books before challenging them.

5.    Read the book and watch the movie

There are lots of classics books that have been turned into movies. One of the best ways to help your child fall in love with reading is by reading these books together, along with watching the film version. Reluctant readers will be motivated by this move. Reading one or two chapters a day with your child is enough.

6.    Ask questions

Asking questions after reading a few chapters or completing a book enhances comprehension and fun. Reading cannot be fun if your child doesn’t understand what’s going on. Do not ask questions in a grilling manner. Instead, ask to check-in. Also, avoid getting overly focused on pronunciation and letters at the expense of the marvelous story. Remember, good readers don’t read to pronounce every letter or word accurately but to discover the meaning.

7.    Invest in magazines

Magazines help in teaching children current information. They allow them to become interested in things they didn’t know they cared about. We all look forward to getting new issues. It’s important to help your child build this ritual. Knowing what your child likes and investing in magazines around their hobbies will make the process of falling in love with reading easier.

8.    Reread the same books

Books are critical for early language development. Kids start by noticing pictures. Next, they turn to books. And then capture the entire story every time. All these stages are key to developing reading skills. Books with rhymes are important because they make the story exciting and memorable.

9.    Don’t break for vacation

You might be tempted to ditch your reading routine when your kids break from school. However, doing so might be a step backward for your child. Keep reading with your child throughout the winter and summer vacations to prevent regression and learning loss.

10. Put limits on screen time

Screen time limits depend on what’s best for you and your child. When you limit screen time, you make it easier for your child to solve problems and find other exciting things to do. Your child needs to exercise his or her body, mind, and creativity. He or she doesn’t have to spend the entire afternoon reading. But when you limit screen time, he or she will be able to concentrate on the pages which are vital for brain development.

11. Encourage your child to go to the school’s library

The more libraries your child visits, the easier it will be for him or her to fall in love with reading (once they’re open again, of course). If your child visits the library regularly, ask to see the book he/she/they read. Also, remind them to bring it back to the library to get a new one.


Although parenting is a huge and important job, don’t get too serious about it. You’ll always go for the things that you love in life, so fill your parenting with joy and fun. The same applies to your child. Listening to your child and discussing their reading experiences will make it easier for them to fall in love with reading.

Leon Collier is a freelance writer at Dissertation writers from the UK, who loves to write about everything: pop-culture, travel, self-development, marketing. He enjoys reading and playing tabletop games on Saturday with his friends. Follow him on twitter @LeonCollier12.


Photo by Victoria Priessnitz on Unsplash

2 responses to “How to Make Children Fall in Love with Reading

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