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General / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF Spotlight: Let’s All Read Across America

I started hearing Christmas music in October. No exaggeration – I was still shopping for the final touches of my son’s Halloween costume when the bells were jingling and the sleighs were dashing right there in my radio speakers. I love family traditions and glowing lights and – oh, wow – nothing compares to the … Continued

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When Your Kids Read Books You Hate

I once read about a woman who banned her kids from reading picture books because she believed her kids were beyond them and should be reading chapter books exclusively. I have also heard, and I am sure you have too, about parents who forbid books like Captain Underpants, books that are slightly vulgar in a … Continued

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Life, Kids, and Books: There’s an Acorn in the Dryer

There’s an acorn banging around in the dryer. Of course there is. That makes perfect sense. It goes along with the rest of it: the gobs and gobs of “art” stuck with magnets to the fridge, the Lego guy in my shoe, the missing checks and stamps that someone (and I know who!) used to … Continued


At the End of a Bad Day…

In parenting, as in life, some days are better than others. This was one of the others. On a good day everyone gets to school and work on time, behaves, eats healthy food, and the fighting is kept to a minimum. On the others, all hell breaks loose. Everyone is late and out of sorts, … Continued

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General / Book Recommendations

Finding “The Next Great Book” – Part 1

Staff note: We are thrilled to welcome Jane Knight, Children’s Book Buyer for Bear Pond Books in Montpelier, VT and CLiF Advisor, as an occasional guest blogger. Jane’s focus is on finding the best kids’ books on the shelves via resources and reviews. This is part 1 of a 2-part blog post.   I’m hoping … Continued


Storytime Chaos

Storytime at the library. It paints an enticing image: stylish stay-at-home mom, peppy grin, hip outfit, adorable bright-faced child, a healthy snack in her bag, a stack of books in her arm, and endless patience. She quietly enters, sits on the floor while her little one piles neatly into her lap, and they gaze cheerily … Continued


Something Awesome Is Happening in Our House!

Someone is starting to read! It is so amazing to watch, incredible really. It starts so small, you hardly notice it’s beginning. You’re just going along your merry way packing lunches, patching boo boos, and carrying on as if everything is perfectly normal. But deep in that little brain something miraculous is happening. Behind those … Continued

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