For the latest news from CLiF, sign up for our monthly e-Newsletter!

Twice a year, we send out our print newsletter. Email us to request a copy. See our most recent print newsletter here.

You can look forward to:

  • Stories from CLiF’s inspiring literacy programs
  • Profiles of CLiF’s fantastic presenters — authors, illustrators, storytellers, and poets
  • Updates about CLiF initiatives, open grant opportunities, and research
  • Literacy program and book list resources
  • Photos of the children we serve
  • Children’s notes, comics, and stories
  • Tips and strategies for reading, writing, and parenting
  • Personal stories from CLiF’s network of advisors, directors, librarians, volunteers, parents, and more

CLiF will never sell or share your personal information with anyone.

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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