CLiF would like to introduce (or re-introduce) you to Ann Braden of Brattleboro, Vermont. Ann writes middle grade novels about kids standing up for themselves when life gets hard. Her characters discover how to channel their emotions and inner strengths to overcome obstacles and identify allies.
We’re thrilled to have Ann leading session two of CLiF’s Community Literacy Conference on Wednesday, March 23. She will talk about her books, ways to use them in the classroom, her experience with sharing personal stories, and how to channel the dialogue into action. The themes of “The Power of Story” and “Finding Your Voice” apply to all ages.
Things to think about:
- What brings you hope?
- Have you had an adult who helped steer you in the right direction? Ann is involved in #KidsNeedMentors.
- Have you experienced the benefits of a small act of kindness?
- Everyone has a super power – what is yours?
- How do you deal with strong emotions?
Here are a few ways to get to know Ann’s work better:
- Ann has found a voice in her own life through GunSenseVT and Local Love Brigade. What themes do you see in her books?
- Listen to podcast Lifelines: Books That Bridge the Divide co-hosted by Ann and Pakistani American author Saadia Faruqi. Ann “loved getting to interview librarians and others about the ways that books that help us bring people together.”
- Watch the book trailer for The Flight of the Puffin and access on-demand read aloud and more activities; join #puffinsunite
- Watch the book trailer for The Benefits of Being an Octopus; join #teamoctopus; listen to Ann read the first chapter
- Use her free three-part writing series in your classroom
- Access her gender inclusive resources and tips for discussing controversial ideas
- Read CLiF’s Q&A
CLiF has created literacy activities for students of all ages here. Here are some that would go nicely with Ann’s work:
For younger kids:
- Reading and Role Models – bring in community members to read to students
- Kindness Month – track how you show kindness in your school or home
For older kids:
- Coming Attractions – how would you promote Ann’s books?
- Extra, Extra – Ann’s books include many topics still in the news. Put together some related articles from your local area and nationally.
For families:
- Alphabet Autobiography – how do you describe yourself?
- The Creature in Me – what animals would your family be?