We asked kids 12 & under in New Hampshire and Vermont to reimagine their favorite fairy tales in keeping with the Collaborative Summer Learning Program’s 2020 theme: “Imagine Your Story.” We were impressed by all of the creative “fractured fairy tales” we received! Stories included “Humpty Mumpty,” who puts the king’s men together again, the “Zombie Gingerbread Man,” who scares the fox who would eat him, and a moose and turkey who become friends. Winning stories retold “The Three Little Pigs” without the Big Bad Wolf, “Goldilocks” with cowboys instead of bears, a modern day “Snow Queen,” and “The Beauty and the Beast,” in which Belle learns to love the beast as he is.
The winners of each age category will receive a collection of new books to continue to exercise their imaginations over the summer.
And the winners are (drumroll please)…
“Three Little Pigs: A Retelling” by Lucy Austin, age 4 (with Mom’s help transcribing)
“The Three Cowboys” by Cooper Blanchard, 2nd grade
“Beauty and the Beast” by Nadia Lakhbal, age 8
“Frost” by Madeline Diop, age 11
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the talented young writers who submitted their work. We had a lot of fun reading these creative takes on our favorite fairy tales!