CLiF Spotlight

Cure for Jet Lag

By Caroline Jones Someone once told me that the best way to cure jet lag is to spend a day surrounded by high-energy children, bumping around the state of Vermont from one CLiF event to the next like a pinball whose internal clock is seven hours ahead. I’m not sure how medically sound that advice … Continued


Growing up CLiF

By Caroline Jones, CLiF’s Summer Intern I know what you’re thinking: “Who is that budding reader and aspiring politician in the blue dress in the front row? Why is she in this group of small children holding books with pre-scream Governor Dean in this painfully ‘90’s photo?” Fear not, faithful readers. ‘Tis I, Caroline, CLiF’s … Continued


Books Abroad

Embarking for a recent family vacation, I knew that books would be an important ingredient for the first international trip with my nine-month-old daughter, Nora. Six flights and countless retellings of The Pout-Pout Fish later, I was grateful for the durability of the humble board book. What I didn’t count on, however, was that books … Continued

CLiF Spotlight

Mothers and Kids: Togetherness

At CLiF, much of our work occurs behind the scenes. We spend many hours scheduling events, organizing logistics, communicating with coordinators who are on the ground in various communities throughout Vermont and New Hampshire. While we love what we do, nothing compares to hanging up the phone, logging off our email, and stepping out from … Continued


Spread the Word: CLiF is seeking a summer intern

The Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) is looking for an energetic, intelligent, and motivated Summer Intern. This individual will receive an in-depth introduction to how a busy and productive non-profit is run. CLiF seeks an intern with a strong interest in literacy and children to work in the Waterbury Center office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays … Continued

General / CLiF Spotlight

Sustaining Momentum through Creativity

What do skiing, books, and microcontrollers all have in common? The CLiF Community Literacy Conference, of course! In all honesty, the skiing was only a background as attendees sat slopeside in the conference room at The Mountain Club on Loon. While the spring skiers glided past the window, teachers, principals, librarians, and other eager past, … Continued

If you're a parent and...

If you’re a parent and…you’ve got a slugger

Well, maybe not a “slugger.” More like a clunker. His pitching is anything but fast, his tiny hands can barely close his glove, let alone catch with it, and he usually forgets to run the bases when his bat finally makes contact with the ball. No matter. It’s baseball season, and my son is itching … Continued

Vintage school portrait. Via Creative Commons

General / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF Spotlight: The “girl book” problem

I was caught off guard by a recent Twitter conversation started by Shannon Hale, author of the Newbery Honor book Princess Academy and many others.               The powers that be at this school decided that regardless of her qualifications as a presenter, Hale was for girls – and boys wouldn’t be interested. … Continued

General / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF Spotlight: Why Book Drives Work

Define “the best.” Here are three possible answers: Indie bookstores, the people who support them, and the people who run them. This year, the generous patrons of five bookstores donated 789 books to the low-income, at-risk, and rural kids CLiF serves. The first wave of these books arrived in mid-December, brightening the holidays for many kids. Just like every … Continued

General / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF Spotlight: National Readathon Day

What better way to spend a cold winter Saturday afternoon than reading? This Saturday, January 24 is the first National Readathon Day. A project of the National Book Foundation, GoodReads, Mashable, and Penguin Random House, National Readathon Day aims to raise awareness about the millions of Americans who struggle with low literacy skills. From noon to 4 … Continued


Happy New Year!

Wishing you a 2015 filled with reading, writing, and joy!   Original artwork by Grace Ahmed.

General / If you're a parent and...

If you are a parent and… every day is Thanksgiving

As parents we often exhaust ourselves prodding our kids to use their manners: “Remember to say please.” “How do you ask nicely?” “What’s the magic word?” “What do you say now?” We want them to be polite, appreciative, socially appropriate beings, and sometimes forcing them to use manners doesn’t feel like the most effective or … Continued

General / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF Spotlight: Party for a Cause in Hanover, NH

The party Friday, November 14 in Hanover, NH is a great example of the good that can happen when two organizations work together.   The Hanover Rotary Club hosts an annual auction fundraiser and splits the proceeds with a nonprofit serving the Upper Valley. This year, the club invited CLiF to be its nonprofit partner. CLiF’s share went … Continued

General / Book Recommendations / If you're a parent and...

If you are a parent and… you need the toy to end all toys

It’s a drizzly, dreary afternoon. The blocks have towered and the cars have raced and the crayons have drawn. But it’s still drizzly and dreary. Cue the whining. My son’s new favorite I’m-bored-phrase is “but who will play with me?” That’s when it’s time for the box. You don’t need movies or video games or intricate … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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