Our Rural Library grant enables rural public libraries to create excitement around reading, increase circulation, and strengthen relationships with the communities they serve.

Click here to see our 2024-2025 libraries!

Rural Libraries

Activities and Support

CLiF works closely with the public library, the local elementary school, and area preschools to provide extensive support over the course of one school year. This includes:

  • $2,000 in new, high-quality children’s books for the public library (selected by public librarian)
  • $500 in new books for the school library (selected by school librarian)
  • An author/illustrator visit at the local elementary school to be held in Fall 2024. The public and school librarians will showcase their new library books purchased with the CLiF grant at this event.
  • An author/illustrator visit and book giveaway for all the students at the elementary school or library to be held in Spring 2025. Each student (grades preK-6) will be able to choose two new books to take home provided by CLiF; schools with over 300 students will receive 1 book/student. The public and school librarians will showcase their summer reading programs.
  • Storytelling presentation and book giveaway for children (and their families) ages 0-5 at the school, library, or local child care center. After the storytelling event, each child will be able to choose two books to take home and keep.
  • $300 mini grant option to support literacy programming, enrichment, and engagement in your library.


  • Public library in Vermont or New Hampshire
  • Serving a town (or towns) of a total of 5,000 residents or less
  • Limited budget, libraries with annual budget of less than $125,000 generally given preference
  • Demonstrated need for CLiF support
  • Enthusiasm to partner with the local elementary school, child care centers, families, and community members
  • Must be a minimum of four years since your last Rural Library grant

Grant Application

The 2025-26 grant application will open in Spring 2025.


“During CLiF presentations the children’s faces just lit up. We signed up close to 50 kids for library cards. The children are so interested in reading now. CLiF is a tough act to follow!”

Berlin, NH

“I do feel that the Year of the Book is making a change in the climate here – CLiF has given me ways to reach out and the families that need to be reached are responding.”

Liz Rosenfeld, School Librarian, Laconia, NH

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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