Calling young writers 12 and under in New Hampshire and Vermont – submit to the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) Halloween writing contest!
Send your spookiest (or silliest) Halloween story to danny@clifonline.org by October 31, 2021. Please include your name, age, and mailing address (so we can send the winners books – you will not be added to a mailing list and your address will not be shared).
Winners will receive a small collection of Halloween books, including CLiF presenter David Martin’s Skelly’s Halloween. What’s better than cozying up after a night of trick-or-treating with a piece of candy (or maybe two) and a spooky book?
The Judge: Danny Giancioppo is CLiF’s new AmeriCorps VISTA member! He’s a writer, too. You can check out his work here. Danny studied creative writing and literature at Hofstra University in New York. Read more about Danny’s love of writing and reading.
We look forward to reading your stories! Email Danny with any questions. And have a spoooooooky Halloween!