When you want your child to learn something new, the most important thing is to show him that the learning process will be interesting and engaging. Forcing your child to write and driving him into a rigid framework can result in a lack of interest/engagement in writing. For a preschool child, these are all abstractions that have no meaning. Games and fun are what really matter. By emphasizing the fun of writing and turning it into a game, it is possible to teach a child anything. This article will tell you how to teach your child to write in such a way that he asks you to have a fun time and write something with him.
Start with a Simple Assignment and Unleash Creativity
Before a child begins to write correctly and beautifully, he must learn to hold a pen, chalk, or felt-tip pen in his hand. To keep the lesson in writing from turning into a boring routine, the child should have room for creativity.
Therefore, it is best to start learning to write using a magnetic board and washable felt-tip pens, or an analog blackboard and colorful chalk.
At this stage, the child will not be constrained by the lines that need to be copied and will be able to create from scratch under your guidance. To get started, you need to start with the simplest task.
- Teach your child to draw straight lines and allow him to draw until he has mastered this skill well enough and the lines begin to turn out more or less straight.
- Now your child can begin to learn how to draw geometric shapes, also starting with a simple one. Your child can cope with an oval very easily, even if its forms are not perfect. Also show him how to draw a triangle and a square, connecting the lines that he already knows how to draw.
- Next, you can move on to writing letters and numbers. Here everything will depend on whether your child is familiar with letters and numbers and whether he knows how to recognize them in books. If not, then this is not a reason to abandon the idea of starting writing. You can very well teach your child letters and numbers and to immediately write and pronounce them. Start with one letter and one number. Show the child how they are spelled and make sure that the child remembers how they look.
Some tips: Consider a fun alphabet or counting row song that is easy to remember even for the child and learn it by heart together. There are a lot of such songs on YouTube.
- After this, ask the child to write a letter or number on the board by himself. Do not limit the size of letters or numbers and give him time to gather his thoughts. Train this skill on the board until the child learns to freely write a certain letter without your prompts. By the way, it is a good idea to teach your kid to write his or her name since this is a simple word children like to write and memorize.
Make the Task Harder Without Losing Gameplay
Now that your child has learned to write several numbers or letters on the board, you can offer him a special copybook. However, this is not the time to start playing school lessons. This notebook should be interesting and entertaining and consistent with the child’s level of preparation.
Choose a notebook, which will contain samples of letters and numbers that the child will have to copy along the dotted lines, plus developmental tasks such as a comparison of two pictures or storytelling according to a pic. After the child copes with the letter, let him rest without looking up from the notebook – for example, guess a riddle or decorate a picture.
At this stage, certain rules in the learning process are already beginning to appear, and your task is to gently hold the child within these rules, for example, to ensure that he does not cross the boundaries of the cells when he writes numbers.
Very important! Do not strive for excellence and do not think that the child will learn to do everything beautifully and correctly on the first try. Mistakes are normal practice. Each child is an individual. Some really can do it from the first attempt, while others need much more time and practice. It is pointless to demand from the child everything at once. Imagine if you were asked to make a translation of a birth certificate, and you know neither the language nor how to do it right. You would contact The Word Point translation service for help, and your child is waiting for help from you.
The most important thing is your support and praise, even if, at this stage, the result is still far from ideal.
Hone the Skill to Perfection for Your Child
At this point, the learning process of writing becomes serious. Now you need to help your child write letters and numbers independently, and try to do it beautifully, observing the rules of spelling. Now you can do it without a notebook with tips, and offer your child a clean notebook, which he will fill out on his own.
But so that the lesson does not turn into something that the child wants to avoid, you can develop a reward system. For example, you can go to the park immediately after 30 minutes of writing.
A Few More Games That You and Your Child Will Enjoy
In addition, here are a few more games that you can complicate as your child learns to write and read.
- Where is the loss?
Write a simple word and intentionally skip one letter. The task of the child is to read your word, name the missing letter, and write the word correctly themself.
- Family mail
This is a game that allows not only to improve writing skills but also to say something important to loved ones. The meaning of the game is to write letters to each other and leave them in a designated place. This is suitable for children who have already mastered writing and reading skills.
- The snake made of words
The task of the game is to come up with and write as many words as possible, which are combined into one snake. For example, book-kitten-nephew-water…

Gameplay and your support are the most important components of the learning process for preschoolers. You can add as much creativity as you like – use bright felt-tip pens, cards, wallpaper rolls, write letters or numbers in sand or semolina. The main thing is to motivate and encourage the child, to show that it is important, that you are happy for his success, but not to force or criticize.
Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.