I have been hearing about it for months. Just a few days ago, I almost scalded myself while cooking when my husband Tom exclaimed, “IT’S ALMOST HERE!!!”
“What?!” I responded with more than a hint of annoyance. I assumed it was something dire based on his hurried inflection. I held my breath and waited for an admission of an upcoming bill or forgotten birthday.
“Talk Like a Pirate Day!” Tom replied, looking up from his calendar with a Cheshire Cat grin.
That’s right mateys! For all you landlubbers who didn’t know, September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Tom prepares for this holiday every year like someone might for a real holiday, like Christmas. Except instead of taking old decorations out of the boxes and dusting them off, Tom pulls out his old jokes:
Tom: What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?
Julia: Arrrrrrr!!!!!
Tom: No! It’s the Ceee!
(Please use proper pirate accent in your head for full effect.)
And why shouldn’t we all embrace Talk Like a Pirate Day? It’s funny, it’s free. It challenges us to dig deep into our collective cultural heritage for pirate witticisms.
It’s also a great excuse to pick up a pirate themed book on September 19th and read to your child in your best Cap’n Sparrow impression. Your kids will eat it up!
Truly, it is the one day of the year you can be really shameless about your “Arrrrs” and “Me Hearties!”
So without further ado, here are some pirate book suggestions for your wee buccaneers!
Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC by June Sobel: Pint-sized mates will love this colorful ABC book. A pirate crew must capture the whole alphabet – or walk the plank!
Pirate vs. Pirate by Mary Quattlebaum: This tale of dueling pirates Bad Bart and Mean Mo will really test your piratese, but your kids will love the rhyming quips that these pirates throw at one another.
Pirate Pete by Kim Kennedy: Journey with Pirate Pete and his trusty parrot as they sail the high seas in search of what else – gold!
Pirateology: Older lads and lasses will enjoy this fictional journal of Captain William Lubber. His journal recounts his pursuit of the much-feared female pirate Arabella Drummond.
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson: This swashbuckling classic – available in the original or beginner version – has it all! Buried treasure, sword fights and Long John Silver…
For more fun, check out the official talk like a pirate page.
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How will you celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day? Share your ideas and book choices with us!