CLiF would like to introduce or re-introduce you to Karen Gross of Bennington, VT and Washington, DC. Karen is an educator and author, writing books for both children (early-childhood through Grade 6) and adults. Her Lady Lucy Series is well-known and has been read to over 3000 children across the globe.
Watch a clip of Karen’s presentation from CLiF’s Virtual Author’s Series here.
Things to think about for kids:
- How did being a teacher impact your books?
- Why do you like writing series such as Lady Lucy? How many more do you think you will write?
- Lady Lucy’s Laugh Giraffe Journey is a joke book, Flying Umbrellas and Red Boats has funny poems, and there is a tongue twister book – how do write serious topics for adults and funny topics for kids? Why is it important to “laugh to learn”?
- What inspires you about dragons, ghosts, and dinosaurs?
- Karen has a bilingual — English and Spanish – book titled We See You/Te Vemos (ages 2-5) and Lady Lucy (Señorita Sofia) is also available in Spanish. Why do you write in two languages?
Things to think about for adults:
- Karen offers these recommendations for books with trauma responsiveness build in – one for families
- Academic article on the impact of school closings
- Lady Lucy’s Quest made list on best books for building determination. What makes you pick topics supporting social emotional learning?
- Her newest adult book, released in June 2020 from Columbia Teachers College Press, is titled Trauma Doesn’t Stop at the School Door: Strategies and Solutions for Educators, Pre-K through College, a sidequel to her earlier book Breakaway Learners (Teachers College Press 2017)
- Check out her tips for educators on managing through difficult/traumatic situations
Here are a few ways to get to know Karen’s work better:
- Lady Lucy is illustrated by two high school students!
- Listen to Karen talk about Lady Lucy’s Laugh Giraffe Journey.
- Wrinkles Doesn’t Like Social Distancing; I Don’t Blame Him
- Look here for program ideas for Lady Lucy – teacher resources, games, and literacy activities
- Watch Karen read and talk about Lady Lucy’s Dinosaur Quest
CLiF has created literacy activities for students of all ages here. Here are some that would go nicely with Karen’s work:
For younger kids:
- Dress Up Day – find the clothes or accessories for your favorite hero or heroine’s quest
- Book Swap – exchange your favorite adventure story with a classmate, friend, neighbor or sibling
For older kids:
- Book Spine Poetry – try and make them silly
- Literacy Selfies – document your quest or acts of bravery
For families:
- Musical Books – use this game to inspire everyone to try a new book
- Themed Family Night – design your own quest!