Fall Updates from CLiF
At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, back-to-school season is always a busy, but exciting, time. We are launching new partnerships, building new headquarters, and most importantly, sharing books and stories with kids.
Articles tagged back to school
At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, back-to-school season is always a busy, but exciting, time. We are launching new partnerships, building new headquarters, and most importantly, sharing books and stories with kids.
A look at how to help elementary students manage back to school stress and routines.
As summer ends, we all begin to think about preparing our children for the school year to come – new backpacks, sneakers, pencils, and notebooks. You have double and triple-checked the list that you received in July – outlining everything that your child will need in the year to come, but you stop to wonder … Continued
September is coming to a close. The CLiF Year of the Book has been successfully launched in eight elementary schools, and schools that saw 80% or more of families commit to regularly reading together are getting ice cream socials. Rural Libraries kickoffs are coming up next. And in the office, we’re assembling the newsletter, preparing for the … Continued
CLiF wishes kids, parents, teachers, librarians, and school staff a great first week of school! Illustration by Grace Ahmed
Last week my husband and I walked our two girls down the street for their first day of school. There was a strong sense of community and celebration as our children paraded into the building. We have a great school with incredible teachers, programs, and families and we feel fortunate to be a part of … Continued
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.