CLiF Spotlight

It’s National Reading Month…Help CLiF Spread the Seuss!

This March, CLiF is spreading the joy of Dr. Seuss far and wide!  March, beautiful March! Our favorite month of the year! We embrace all that March has to offer us here in the Northeast – the mixed precipitation, the onset of cabin fever, the daily battle between the lion and the lamb – Why, … Continued


Broaching through Books

By Caroline Jones This past Sunday, I was driving back from Maine and passing the time in traffic with the wonderful podcast “This American Life”. One of the episodes, “The Birds & The Bees”, explored the complexities of explaining all kinds of difficult issues to young children. W. Kamau Bell, a comedian and father, was … Continued

Book Recommendations

The Next Great Book: Summer Reading, Part One

We recently held a book review event for our children’s librarians. We had a panel of four reviewers and talked about new fiction for middle grades through high school. As I was creating the list of books I wanted to review I realized with no small amount of shock that I had a long list … Continued

If you're a parent and...

If you’re a parent and … your child wants to see the world

I came home from my term abroad with rolls and rolls of undeveloped film. The excitement of seeing the real photos months later inspired me to document my adventures in scrapbooks. I very rarely looked at the books again…until my daughter’s increasing reading habit prompted the albums’ resurgence (for better or worse). Two books triggered her interest in my … Continued

If you're a parent and...

If you’re a parent and…you’ve got a slugger

Well, maybe not a “slugger.” More like a clunker. His pitching is anything but fast, his tiny hands can barely close his glove, let alone catch with it, and he usually forgets to run the bases when his bat finally makes contact with the ball. No matter. It’s baseball season, and my son is itching … Continued


If you’re a parent and… your child steals a piece of candy

My daughter chose Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Farm from the school’s free book bin. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle takes to her farm children whose behavior overwhelms their parents and cures them of their bad habits with magic and hard work. When I first read the book, I thought not too highly of the parents, but in light of a having six year old … Continued

Reading a funny book

General / Book Recommendations / If you're a parent and...

If you’re a parent and… you’re teaching your kid to have a sense of humor

My six-year-old daughter loves Sesame Street. I dread the day she feels too mature for the silly muppets with their quirky personalities, multicultural community, easy jokes, and advanced vocabularies. Watching it with her brings back many innocent childhood memories, and I love sharing that with her. Over the years, she has received countless Sesame Street books. We … Continued

General / If you're a parent and...

If you are a parent and… every day is Thanksgiving

As parents we often exhaust ourselves prodding our kids to use their manners: “Remember to say please.” “How do you ask nicely?” “What’s the magic word?” “What do you say now?” We want them to be polite, appreciative, socially appropriate beings, and sometimes forcing them to use manners doesn’t feel like the most effective or … Continued

General / Book Recommendations / If you're a parent and...

If you are a parent and… you need the toy to end all toys

It’s a drizzly, dreary afternoon. The blocks have towered and the cars have raced and the crayons have drawn. But it’s still drizzly and dreary. Cue the whining. My son’s new favorite I’m-bored-phrase is “but who will play with me?” That’s when it’s time for the box. You don’t need movies or video games or intricate … Continued

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