Middle Ground: Why Are Middle-Grade Books So Sad?
“You thought this was funny?” she asked me. “I didn’t laugh at all. I hardly ever laugh at books.”
Articles tagged Bridge to Terabithia
“You thought this was funny?” she asked me. “I didn’t laugh at all. I hardly ever laugh at books.”
General / Book Recommendations
If you missed yesterday’s post on 2014 nonfiction books Jane’s excited about… click here. Moving on to fiction, it won’t take serious convincing to get any child to read Mo Willems’ latest Pigeon picture book, The Pigeon Needs a Bath. (“No. I do not.” says Pigeon.) However, it sounds like Pigeon is going … Continued
CLiF Spotlight / Book Recommendations
Here’s a peek behind the scenes in the CLiF office. Julia is busy assembling a huge book order for CLiF’s fall programs through our partner First Book. It’s a thoughtful process. Lots of kids in New Hampshire and Vermont are interested in hunting, animals, and nature, so she’s including Tracking and Reading Sign by Len McDougall … Continued
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.