Happy Birthday, William Shakespeare!
When daffodils begin to peer, With heigh! the doxy over the dale, Why, then comes in the sweet o’ the year; For the red blood reigns in the winter’s pale. The Winter’s Tale (4.3.1-4) Happy Birthday, Bill!
Articles tagged flowers
When daffodils begin to peer, With heigh! the doxy over the dale, Why, then comes in the sweet o’ the year; For the red blood reigns in the winter’s pale. The Winter’s Tale (4.3.1-4) Happy Birthday, Bill!
I need no words to help you understand my mood. Snow – it’s beautiful when it gently blankets the countryside and reminds us all of a hopeful, cozy winter memory. But when you’ve finally reached mid-April, your kids have recovered from multiple stomach bugs and endless head colds, and all you want is a glimpse … Continued
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