General / CLiF Spotlight / How You Can Help
Can You All Say “Hi!” to Peg?
“This is my friend Peg. Can you all say ‘Hi!’ to Peg?” Seventy five kids waved and called out “Hi Peg!”
Articles tagged free books
General / CLiF Spotlight / How You Can Help
“This is my friend Peg. Can you all say ‘Hi!’ to Peg?” Seventy five kids waved and called out “Hi Peg!”
48 different children’s summer programs across Vermont and New Hampshire. 3,300 kids. Two free books per child. That’s a lot of books. No wonder the CLiFmobile just needed its shocks replaced. Rec program at the Barre Municipal Pool in Barre, VT From June through August, CLiF’s Summer Readers program visits lunch programs, low-income summer camps, and … Continued
General / CLiF Spotlight / How You Can Help
Our excitement is ramping up for the newest Year of the Book town kickoffs, and we are thinking a lot about successes and lessons learned when looking back over our first year of offering this grant. We have been excited to hear about the burgeoning relationships between the school and the public library, the changed … Continued
General / CLiF Spotlight / How You Can Help
Got a “summer reader” in your life? How would he or she like a bundle of brand new books to read on the beach, at the playground, in a treehouse, or anywhere inviting this summer? Enter our Summertime Reading Contest on Facebook for a chance to win 15 brand new books and give other children … Continued
CLiF knows that parents have a tremendous influence on the likelihood that their child will grow up a strong reader and writer. That’s why we strive to include parents whenever possible in our programs.
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.