General / How You Can Help

Inspiring a Love of Literacy Is More Important Than Ever

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, our work focuses on serving Vermont and New Hampshire children at highest risk of growing up with low literacy skills. It’s never been more important to ensure kids in our communities have equitable access to enriching literacy experiences and resources. CLiF’s programs serve children in shelters and affordable housing; refugee, foster, and migrant children; children in rural areas; children of incarcerated adults; children scoring below standard in schools; and many others.

Tired mom flanked by fighting kids


Pandemic Parenting: Are the Kids Alright? Am I?

Back in March 2020, when Vermont schools announced they would not reopen before summer break, I felt a combination of panic and optimism. Panic over having my two squabbling children at home together for the foreseeable future (not to mention over the virus about which we knew so little back then), and optimism over how … Continued

General / Writing

Reading (and Writing) in a Pandemic

On a recent trip to the laundromat, I reflected upon how even the most mundane errand requires more of us these days. Once I would have shown up with my dirty clothes and a book to pass the time; now I come armed with added essentials: my mask, hand sanitizer, my vaccine card. The Omicron … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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