Tired mom flanked by fighting kids


Pandemic Parenting: Are the Kids Alright? Am I?

Back in March 2020, when Vermont schools announced they would not reopen before summer break, I felt a combination of panic and optimism. Panic over having my two squabbling children at home together for the foreseeable future (not to mention over the virus about which we knew so little back then), and optimism over how … Continued


How To Teach Young Children About Climate Change

As adults, it can seem as though discussions about climate change are ubiquitous, yet it is not a given that children will always receive a reliable education about it in their formal schooling. Indeed, as one of the prevalent concerns of contemporary times, it is vital parents take responsibility for broaching the issue early on. … Continued


Fostering a Positive Home Learning Environment for Children with Disabilities

Remote learning and homeschooling are nothing new. But, they have become more popular over the last year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of March 2021, 4.5-5 million children were being homeschooled in the U.S. For children with disabilities, home education provides many benefits. Some of the biggest pros include providing the necessary accommodations … Continued


Teaching Kids How to Healthily Manage Their Emotions

You might be tempted to dismiss outbursts and temper tantrums as “kids being kids,” and while emotional reactions such as crying, frustration, hunger, and pain are normal, your child never learning how to healthily manage their emotions is not. Children aren’t born knowing how to cope with their feelings, and the adults in their lives … Continued


4 Things Parents Can do to Keep Their Kids Encouraged and Inspired

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels On a given day, a child may endure an argument with a friend, a disapproving remark from a teacher, a bad grade, or any other number of discouraging experiences. As a parent, you want your child to move past these experiences, learn from them, and maintain a positive outlook. … Continued


How to Help Your Kids Cope with Quarantine

With many schools shut for the foreseeable future, children are now spending more time than ever at home. This can be challenging for parents who are unequipped for such an unusual task. Luckily, we have some tips and suggestions for keeping you and you child going. Start A New Project Starting a new project with … Continued


7 Ways to Help Your Child Handle School Stress

For young children, school can be stressful in more ways than one. Whether they are coping with making friends, handling difficult lectures, or gaining acceptance from teachers, these problems can affect them. Any type of challenge can cause them stress. It is important that stress is detected and dealt with before it starts to cause … Continued


Early Childhood Motor Skills and Physical Development Through Physical Activity

The health benefits of physical activity are many. Physical activity is crucial for cognitive, physical, emotional and social development, especially in a child’s early years. Children as early as toddlers require physical activity for good health, development of motor skills and physical development. Physical activity like running, throwing, catching or jumping helps strengthen the muscles … Continued


How Simple Exercises Can Help Kids With Their Studies

According to studies, children who work out are more likely to do well in their studies. Read on to learn how exercise can benefit your child, both physically and mentally, and how you can encourage your child to exercise. Boost Your Child’s Concentration with Exercise  At school, every day, kids are dealing with a number … Continued


For a less stressful study time with your child…

Parents know all too well that children get bored really easily and this has become worse with the advent of devices and gadgets. However, loss of attention happens to adults as well, though it changes with age. Most people can only focus for about 10-20 minutes. The best speakers in the world know to crack … Continued

General / Education

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education

As parents, you are your child’s first and most important teachers. Parents have a hugely important role to play in shaping literacy, social and emotional skills. Parental involvement impacts directly and indirectly on a child’s learning. Here are some tips so you can involve yourself in your child’s development.   Image Source: Pexels   Reading … Continued


The Importance of Reading Bedtime Stories To Your Child Before Sleep

Once upon a time, there was a parent who had a child. For one reason or another, this parent didn’t read to their child. Why? We’re not sure. Perhaps that’s a different story – one that involves excuses like “being too tired” or wanting to binge-watch Friends for the eleventh time because they’re deeply unsatisfied with … Continued

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