Books to Help Kids Deal with Bullying
It’s no secret that bullying and cyberbullying is an issue facing many of our children.
Articles tagged parenting
It’s no secret that bullying and cyberbullying is an issue facing many of our children.
People are getting more enlightened today with the help of literacy. Without literacy, we wouldn’t be able to shape meaning out of the world. That is why it is so important to continue fighting for the increase of literacy for everyone. In the case of children, literacy isn’t just about understanding things and expressing opinions. … Continued
Here are some of the ways in which reading can improve emotional intelligence in readers of any age.
As the father of 4 wonderful kids, I understand how important it is for them to be outside, burning energy and exploring the world around them. Not to mention, it helps keep the house a little more tidy and gives us parents some time to catch up on our favorite show or book or whatever … Continued
We have created the following survival guide featuring 7 indoor winter games and activities for kids to keep them happy and regain a little bit of our sanity
We can all do our parts by making the planet a much safer place—children included!
Helping reluctant and struggling readers may be the hardest, but perhaps the most important, reading-related issue for many parents. However, take comfort that there is help!
Photo: A baby developing early literacy skills at the CLiF table at Burlington Parks & Rec’s annual Kids Day, May 2017 Yesterday, I got to spend my morning surrounded by adorable babies singing songs, flipping through board books, and playing along with their parents at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, VT’s weekly baby time. Talk about … Continued
In order to cater to their needs and create a powerful bond, it’s important for parents to really think like their children and take their perspective into consideration.
While schools do a lot to promote and improve literacy skills in young readers, there is still a lot you can do at home to help your child succeed.
Children benefit when their parents take part, so become actively involved in all aspects of your child’s education. Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher early in the school year.
Here’s how to help your child thrive and survive during even the most volatile peer-pressure ridden years of their youth.
I love that my daughter enjoys team sports – from kick ball at recess to organized youth soccer, it gives us tons to discuss. There are all the traditional benefits of team sports – learning to win and lose gracefully, to understand how the individuals work within a team, to interact with coach/another adult, to … Continued
Reading specialists want parents to prepare their children for school by sharing a love for reading, the attitude that reading is important, and the expectation that all children can become successful readers.
I missed the original Harry Potter buzz – I’m not sure how as I worked in a bookstore off and on from 1996-2002, during which the first four books were released. I made up for this last week, when I got swept up in my eight-year-old’s excitement over Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I could … Continued
In most of my life roles, I can feel overwhelmed by the information on how to be or do them better, how we can achieve that ideal balance where all parties (kids, friends, coworkers, and family members) feel heard, valued, and bolstered as individuals and also “team” members. No where do, I think, we as … Continued
Recently, I saw a Facebook post on habits of productive people. I have a love-hate relationship with those lists, but this time I paused, because some of the highlighted habits were reinforced for my daughter at her second-grade student-led conference. Obviously, she is not worried about a strategy for sorting her email or for achieving a balanced … Continued
Recently, my daughter has started to carry an additional backpack to school – one of those square, drawstring, logo-laden bags that one can often acquire at an event. When asked what she carries in it, she replied, “My book club books!” Here is how the discussion went: Me: “What does it mean to have book … Continued
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.