Homework Helps: A Reading Specialist’s Tips
It often goes back to reading. Children and teens who read the most tend to become more successful in school than those who do not.
Articles tagged reading specialist
It often goes back to reading. Children and teens who read the most tend to become more successful in school than those who do not.
There are many learning games and activities that will not only help your child or teen to become more successful in school, but will also be fun to play.
Successful writers understand the difference between strong and weak writing, and use that knowledge to create stronger drafts.
When is it time to start working on reading skills? Right now.
Helping reluctant and struggling readers may be the hardest, but perhaps the most important, reading-related issue for many parents. However, take comfort that there is help!
While schools do a lot to promote and improve literacy skills in young readers, there is still a lot you can do at home to help your child succeed.
Want to make learning to read even more adventurous? There are so many reading games and activities that will not only help your child to improve reading skills but that are fun to play!
After children have mastered pre-reading skills, the instructional focus shifts to vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency.
Reading specialists Kathryn Mullen, M.Ed. and Sue Megas-Russell, M.Ed. are the onsite coordinators for 2013-2014’s CLiF Year of the Book at Cutler Elementary School in West Swanzey, NH. Over this school year Kathryn and Sue will take turns guest blogging for CLiF. Their posts will provide insight into the creativity, attention, and heart that goes … Continued
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