

I was lucky enough to be the Children’s Literacy Foundation 2018 summer intern. Unlike the typical intern you would see in pop culture, I don’t get the coffee. Instead I work behind-the-scenes doing program coordination, outreach, social media updates and administrative work. One of my favorite and most important jobs at CLiF is assisting in … Continued

Children and bus driver

General / If you're a parent and...

If you’re a parent and… you need inspiration to inspire

I went to the Vermont AfterSchool Conference on October 24 where I was inspired by the variety of programming available for out-of-school-time programs. Surprisingly, I was even more inspired by the keynote speakers. The conference kicked off with Rebecca Holcombe, Vermont Agency of Education Director, sharing her four key values: show passion, create partnerships, be innovative, … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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