CLiF is taking on summer 2018 with our Summer Readers program. Summer Readers brings storytelling presentations and book giveaways to libraries, schools, camps, and more sites all across New Hampshire and Vermont. Watch this video to get a taste of CLiF’s Summer Readers program. This summer CLiF hopes to serve over 9,000 children and give away more than 18,000 books. That’s a lot of books!
On July 11th, 2018, CLiF turns up the summer heat with six different CLiF presenters at nine Summer Readers events. Join CLiF for a day full of presentations, new books, and tons of laughter. Let us know if you’re interested in attending one of these events.
CLiF’s storytellers will share inspiring stories and give books to many low-income families and rural communities on July 11th, 2018.
New CLiF presenter Ann Braden visits:
- Green Mountain Camp at 2:30 p.m.
Green Mountain Camp is a 100-year-old summer camp for girls located in Dummerstown, VT. Executive Director Billie Slade writes, “Having the opportunity to actually choose books to take home and keep for their own is very important to these children.”
Michael Daley visits:
- Readsboro Community Library at 10 a.m.
Librarian Cyndi Candiloro writes, “This will be putting books in the hands of children to start their own library at home; create a stronger bond with the library; (and) enable parents to offer a program to their child during the summer.”
Simon Brooks travels to:
- Valley View Community School in Farmington, New Hampshire from 10-11 a.m.
The summer school at Valley View Community School works directly with low-income, at-risk, and rural youth. Students at Valley View Community School have not had an author visit until this summer with CLiF. This summer will give the children the opportunity to experience a storytelling presentation and receive two new books of their choosing. - Barnstead Adventure Zone in Center Barnstead, New Hampshire from 1-2 p.m.
Barnstead Adventure Zone accepts any children in grades K-7 and focuses on community bonding and academic development. Simon will get the children excited about reading and the opportunity to connect with their parents.
Marv Klassen-Landis visits:
- Burke Town Humanities Camp in West Burke, Vermont from 10-11 a.m.
Burke Town Humanities Camp highlights nature-based cross-curricular activities. These include: reading and writing, along with outdoor summer fun. CLiF will provide a fun presentation and books to read for the rest of the summer. - Barre City Municipal Pool in Barre, Vermont from 2-3 p.m.
Barre City Municipal Pool allows low-income kids to enjoy the summer with life-enriching activities. CLiF will provide new books. For some kids, this may be the first book they have ever owned.
Geof Hewitt drops by:
- ENCORE at Holland Elementary School in Derby Line, Vermont from 10-11 a.m.
- ENCORE at Coutts Camp in Derby, Vermont from 1-2 p.m.
ENCORE administers a welcoming, secure, and captivating space for youngsters that live in America’s highest poverty areas. CLiF shares books to ensure that every child has books of their own.
Duncan McDougall goes to see:
- Highgate Public Library in Highgate, Vermont from 10-11 a.m.
Highgate Summer Food and Fun provides low-income families with the resources for an outstanding summer. CLiF will contribute to Highgate’s mission during the summer with books and a presentation from CLiF’s very own Executive Director.
Thank you to all the fantastic summer programs that CLiF serves. Let us know if you’re interested in attending an event. We hope to see you there!