CLiF would like to introduce or re-introduce you to Amy Huntington of Willliston, VT. Amy has new books coming out in 2021 and 2022, and is featured in a new exhibit at the TW Gallery in Montpelier, VT, The Art of Stories: A Vermont Picture Book Exhibit. To celebrate this exhibit and Amy’s new books, CLiF will offer a special virtual program with Amy.
Amy will be reading her newest picture book, FRANKIE GETS A DOGGIE, Boyds Mills Kane, 2021, about a father and child who choose a new dog from an animal shelter. After bringing her home, Frankie must find ways to help this new pet and their resident cat become friends. Amy will talk a little bit about how this story came together, share some pictures and props, and do a little drawing too. She will leave kiddos with an art/writing prompt to take away with them.
Things to think about:
- Amy illustrated two books of poems Nine: A Book of Nonet Poems and Fresh-Picked Poetry: A Day at the Farmers’ Market. How is it different to illustrate a book of poems than it is to illustrate a story?
- In 2021 and 2022, Amy will release three books she has written and illustrated, including Frankie Gets a Doggie. This book is featured in the TW Gallery exhibit. She has illustrated four books by Katie Clark such as Grandma Drove the Snowplow. What is the process of writing and illustrating your own books, and what is the process for illustrating another author’s books?
- Many of Amy’s books are about being outside. How does nature and the outdoors inspire you?
Here are a few ways to get to know Amy’s work better:
- Look through her portfolio and her blog
- See a video about Nine: A Book of Nonet Poems
- Educators’ Guide, book trailer, to Fresh-Picked Poetry
- Hear Monsters Like Us read aloud
More about The Art of Stories exhibit:
November is Picture Book Month! In celebration, the TW Wood Gallery of Montpelier has on display:
The Art of Stories: A Vermont Picture Book Exhibit featuring the illustrations of Vermont author/illustrators (and CLiF presenters) Jason Chin, Sarah Dillard, Amy Huntington and Ashley Wolff plus Linda DiSante. This is an interactive exhibit with self directed art projects and a reading nook. Perfect for these colder and darker days! This exhibit will be on display November 7-December 22, 2021 at the TW Wood Gallery, 46 Barre St.
As part of the celebration, you could also join us for one of these FREE activities:
StoryTime at KHL November 6th at 11 at the Kellogg Hubbard Library, Montpelier. Kevin Marlier, art educator at the TW Wood will read from two of the books featured in the exhibit and share with families the different Picture Book exhibit activities going on at the Wood Gallery.
Storywalk and Bundle Up Storytime with Sarah Dillard and Amy Huntington. Saturday November 13th from 10-12, Starting at Bear Pond Books, 77 Main St. families can read pages of Amy’s story Frankie Gets a Doggie as they walk to the TW Wood Gallery where Sarah Dillard and Amy Huntington will lead an interactive story time and families can view the exhibit and engage in art activities.
Frankie Gets a Doggie Storywalk The storywalk will be up in Montpelier storefronts from November 6-Nov 22nd. Maps for the storywalk will be available at Bear Pond Books as they generously sponsored this event.
*Visits to the TW Wood Gallery are always free to the public*
CLiF has created literacy activities for students of all ages here. Here are some that would go nicely with Amy’s work:
For younger kids:
- Get Out – find inspiration in something you see outside
- Reading with Animals – read or tell a story to your pet or stuffed animal
For older kids:
- Grab a Word – find a new word and create a story or poem
- Book Spine Poetry – create poems from easily found words
For families:
- Farmers’ Market Storytime – celebrate with a poem or a book
- Reading with Seniors – share one of Amy’s books about Grandma
What a great idea! Looking forward to visiting the TW Wood for the illustrator’s showcase.