Rock ‘n’ Read at your Library this Summer!
As the school year comes to a close and life begins to slow down a bit for some, public libraries everywhere are gearing up for their busiest time of the year: the summer reading program.
Articles by Caitlin Corless
As the school year comes to a close and life begins to slow down a bit for some, public libraries everywhere are gearing up for their busiest time of the year: the summer reading program.
There is a four-year-old girl who comes to the library every week with her mother and older sister.
Yesterday I sent a nine-year-old boy home from the library with three juggling balls and four balloon animals.
When my library first began our youth book group a few years ago, there was one girl who never missed a meeting. She loved to read, and she always left the library with a smile and a big stack of books in her arms.
In my experience the movie version of a book is almost never as good as the actual book.
General / Book Recommendations
El Deafo is a semi-autobiographical graphic novel about a young rabbit who loses most of her hearing at the very young age of five.
General / Book Recommendations
Graphic novels are real books, and they’re a great choice.
Reading is more than just good for the mind. It’s good for the heart. It’s good for the world.
When I was in elementary school, I decided that I would be an author when I grew up.
General / Book Recommendations
What I love most about this year’s books is how original and accessible they are for young readers, how they are powerful without being intimidating.
“You thought this was funny?” she asked me. “I didn’t laugh at all. I hardly ever laugh at books.”
I’m a firm believer that reading aloud continues to be important as kids get older and that “storytime” shouldn’t end once kids become independent readers.
In a public library, summer is the time of year when the children’s room truly comes to life.
Last Tuesday, about five hundred young readers filled the seats of Judd Hall at Vermont Technical College for the 2014 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award Ceremony.
Every couple of months, I meet and discuss books with a group of some of the most critical and thoughtful readers I know. They’re insightful, articulate, and extremely smart. They’re also in grades 4 through 8.
You might not know how the list is selected and why my living room was so cluttered.
I was one of those kids who secretly stayed up past her bedtime and read books under her blanket with a flashlight. Nearly twenty years later, not much has changed.
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.