General / Partner Stories

The Scoop on Spark

Despite being one of our smaller grant programs, CLiF’s Spark grant plays an important role in helping our organization maintain and revive connections throughout Vermont and New Hampshire. Available to partners who have received a CLiF grant in the past, Spark provides $500 in funding with the goal of building enthusiasm around literacy activities. Because … Continued


A Holiday Tradition of Reading Together 

When I was a child, everything about the holidays felt glittery and magical. This was undoubtedly due in large part to the tireless efforts of my mother, who was possibly a Claus in some former life. Each year in the weeks leading up to Christmas, she energetically directed us kids through various festive rituals: baking … Continued


CLiF Adores These Bookstores

We want to offer special recognition to our bookstore friends that have committed to hosting book drives for CLiF over the holiday season. Each of these stores is a community mainstay, and we are very grateful for our shared commitment to inspiring young readers. Just one more reason to shop small, local and literary this season–and every season!


Two-Sentence Stories: And the Winners Are…

When we launched CLiF’s first Two-Sentence Story Contest back in February 2023, we were realistic about our goals and expectations. “Thirty entries would be great,” we agreed. “That would be a success.”  The challenge for that inaugural contest was: “Tell us a story about winter.” And, as it turns out, the children of Vermont and … Continued

Book drive / How You Can Help

Hooray for Indie Bookstores!

We want to offer special recognition to our bookstore friends holding book drives for CLiF this holiday season. Each of these stores is a community mainstay, and we are very grateful for our shared commitment to inspiring young readers throughout the Twin States. Just one more reason to shop small, local and literary this season–and every season!


Ten Tips for Reading with Your Child

It’s never too early to start reading with your child. Because our brains begin to develop the building blocks of language during infancy, even newborn babies benefit from being read to by a parent or caregiver. Not only does reading aloud to your child help build their listening skills, vocabularies and attention spans, it is also a great opportunity to bond and create positive memories together. 


Fall Literacy Activities Kids Will Love

The leaves are starting to turn, the air is growing brisker, and the pumpkin spice is running rampant. Fall is officially here, bringing with it a slew of seasonal literacy activities you can do with your child! As kids settle back into their school day routines, it’s a great time to instill an appreciation for reading and writing that extends beyond the classroom setting.


A Library Card Opens New Worlds

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month, the perfect time to take your child to sign up for their first library card! In today’s fast-paced digital age, where information is just a click away, it can be too easy for some to overlook the timeless appeal of the library. However, libraries remain an invaluable resource for cultivating a love of reading and learning, especially among children. The simple act of acquiring a library card opens the door to endless possibilities for a child, while establishing the groundwork for a lifelong relationship with an institution where everyone is welcome. 

General / Book Recommendations

Book Picks from Book People

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF), we’re big believers in encouraging kids to choose their own books, but we also recognize that a little guidance can be helpful. With that in mind, we asked some bookish pals to recommend some of their favorite books for readers aged 8 to 12. Here’s what they said.


CLiF’s Summer Newsletter

CLiF sends out a print newsletter twice a year, sharing stories from our programs, news from our partners and presenters, our map representing the sites we serve, and of course, lots of pictures from our events! If you don’t currently receive our print newsletter, and would like to, please send us an email!


CLiF’s 2023-2024 Rural Library Partners

The CLiF team recently met to discuss the pool of applicants for our 2023-2023 Rural Library grant, and to select this year’s recipients. This grant is designed to help small-town libraries in Vermont and New Hampshire create excitement around reading, increase circulation, and strengthen relationships with the communities they serve.

General / CLiF Spotlight

Spotlight on CLiF’s At-Risk Program

The Children’s Literacy Foundation’s At-Risk program supports children in Vermont and New Hampshire who are at increased risk of growing up with low literacy skills. The program provides equitable access to inspiring literacy resources and high-quality reading materials to children in both states who might otherwise go without.


Shop Small, Local and Literary!

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, we are huge fans of the many independent bookstores we partner with across New Hampshire and Vermont. Special recognition goes out to our bookstore friends who are holding book drives for CLiF this holiday season.

General / Year of the Book

Spotlight on CLiF’s Year of the Book

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF), our work revolves around inspiring children to feel joy and excitement about reading and writing. Among the ways we accomplish this goal is through our flagship program, CLiF’s Year of the Book, one of our nine literacy programs.

General / How You Can Help

Inspiring a Love of Literacy Is More Important Than Ever

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, our work focuses on serving Vermont and New Hampshire children at highest risk of growing up with low literacy skills. It’s never been more important to ensure kids in our communities have equitable access to enriching literacy experiences and resources. CLiF’s programs serve children in shelters and affordable housing; refugee, foster, and migrant children; children in rural areas; children of incarcerated adults; children scoring below standard in schools; and many others.

General / Year of the Book

Fall Updates from CLiF

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, back-to-school season is always a busy, but exciting, time. We are launching new partnerships, building new headquarters, and most importantly, sharing books and stories with kids.


Happy National Dog Day from the Dogs of CLiF!

While dog appreciation occurs daily at CLiF, in celebration of National Dog Day, we’re giving our pups the spotlight they deserve. In keeping with our children’s literacy mission, each furry friend has selected (okay, we chose for them) a favorite work of canine literature to share. Without further ado, meet the dogs of CLiF!

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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