CLiF would like to introduce or re-introduce you to Gina Perry of North Hampton, NH. Gina writes and illustrates her own books, and illustrates for other authors.
Watch a clip of Gina’s presentation from CLiF’s Virtual Author’s Series.
Things to think about:
- See a sample of her book illustrations – how would you describe her style?
- How do you get started creating a character?
- What is the editing process like for an illustrator?
- How does your process differ if you are the author/illustrator or illustrating another author’s story?
Here are a few ways to get to know Gina’s work better:
- Peak into her sketchbook and her food illustrations!
- Use her activity kits for her books Now? Not Yet!, Too Much!, Small, and It’s Great Being a Dad
- Print her one-page step-by-step guides to drawing monsters, animals, and more
- Hear Gina read Small
- Read and draw Small with Gina at the NH Maker and Food Fest
- Check out her blog for more on writing and illustrating
- Now? Not Yet! read by Gina Perry
CLiF has created literacy activities for students of all ages here. Here are some that would go nicely with Gina’s work:
For younger kids:
- Story Yoga – tell a story about animals and monsters using known or imagined yoga poses
- Fairy Tale Fridge Magnets – draw your own characters and tell stories using your images
For older kids:
- Character Profile – create a fictional character and an outline of their personality and preferences
- Letters to Characters – correspond with a character you make up!
For families:
- Family book club – compare books you have read that include imagined beasts and magical animals
- Wonder Wall – make a space to jot down notes, images, and observations that make you pause. How could they be put into a story?