Welcome to school year 2020-2021! CLiF continues to serve as a resource to deliver program ideas, grants, and research to help teachers, librarians, parents, early educators, and out-of-school-time providers succeed in these challenging and confusing times. We NEED your ideas for how to do that – your ideas will be used to offer new grants this fall and winter to directly address current concerns. READ MORE HERE!
- For fun – iconic book quotes
- Updated copyright permissions for read-alouds
- Reading fiction with teaching civics = building compassion
- Connect through a phone call
- How to encourage independent reading from a distance
- Resources for teaching about government, voting, and democracy
- Resources from PBS – distance learning and schedule for September and October
- But Why? Podcast from VPR – Learning Guides for ages 5-9
- What is good teaching?
- Improve virtual participation
- Resources for supporting ELL students
- Creativity in data science and video games
- Family Engagement Guide
- Apply Universal Design for Learning to Distance Learning
- 7 Outdoor Program Tips for Librarians
- I Love My Librarian award nominations due 11/8; 10 librarians win $5,000!
- New ALA Report: Libraries & Reentry: The Importance of Public Spaces, Technologies, and Community to Formerly Incarcerated Patrons (PDF)
- New series: Live from the Library Lounge: Discussions on the Issues Facing Libraries Now
- 5 popular take and make kits for kids
- How libraries can support the 2020 election
- Reimagining libraries in our “new normal”
- What parents can and can’t do to help struggling writers
- Balancing working and home learning
- Great list of recommended books, organized in interesting topics
- Screen time – rethinking it for school and for health
- Three ways to help kids to maintain a love for school
- Age Appropriate Resources and homeschooling guide to teach anti-racism
- Talking to young children about race and policing
- What makes a good preschool education
- Preschool at home? 8 tips to make it more successful