Reading Activities and Games for All Ages
There are many learning games and activities that will not only help your child or teen to become more successful in school, but will also be fun to play.
Articles tagged Jan Brett
There are many learning games and activities that will not only help your child or teen to become more successful in school, but will also be fun to play.
I’m going to share something with you that is totally embarrassing (promise not to tell anyone, ok?): It has been years since I have actually held a library card. Three and a half years, to be more specific. This seems especially mortifying to me, for several reasons: I love to read, and I do it … Continued
General / Book Recommendations
We all know the power books can have. They can persuade, instruct, entertain, stimulate, educate, amaze, etc., etc., etc. But can they make it snow? Probably not all by themselves, but maybe with our help. Just maybe. Remember the old “Think Snow” slogan? Well, this is exactly the time of year to pull it out … Continued
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