We all know the power books can have. They can persuade, instruct, entertain, stimulate, educate, amaze, etc., etc., etc.
But can they make it snow?
Probably not all by themselves, but maybe with our help. Just maybe.
Remember the old “Think Snow” slogan? Well, this is exactly the time of year to pull it out of mothballs and put it to work. If we put our minds to it, and enlist some books as ‘think snow aids,’ we can have a nice layer of white, fluffy stuff by mid-December. Such is the power of the collective conscious.
Now, I realize that some of you may balk at this idea, not because of its complete and utter lack of scientific credulity, but because you hate snow. Well, let me just remind you how awful winter can be without snow.
Remember last year?? My kids were four and five last winter and I will never forget the horror of being stuck inside the house because it was no fun to go out and play in the frozen mud; the sorrow of not being able to build even one snowman; the agony of seeing our sleds go unused day after day after day.
This is New England people!! Let’s make this happen.
Let’s put our collective conscious to work and make a winter we can all be proud of!
To train your mind to conjure snow and to get you in the spirit of the winter season, try reading some of children’s literature’s finest ‘think snow aids.’ We have compiled a list for you here, and they are all great.
And, for crying out loud, THINK SNOW!!!
The Classics

The Classics-To-Be

Special thanks to the children’s librarians at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, VT and the people at Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne, VT for helping me to research this important topic.
Disclaimer: In the event that our “Think Snow” experiment should be overwhelmingly effective, we at the Children’s Literacy Foundation, our supporters and affiliates hereby waive any responsibility for any and all incidents related to an accumulation of the much hoped for precipitation. This release extends and applies to and also covers and includes all unknown and unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected snowballs, snowbanks, inconveniently located snow forts, unauthorized snow days,and any inconvenience these events may create or encourage.