CLiF is pleased to announce our 2023 Two-Sentence Winter Writing Contest!
- The Challenge: In exactly TWO SENTENCES, tell us a story about winter!
- Who can enter? The contest is FREE to enter and open to all kids aged 12 and under who live in Vermont or New Hampshire.
- Prizes will be awarded to the top entries in each age group!
- Deadline: Entries must be received or postmarked by Feb. 28, 2023.
See below for more details and optional materials.
Entries may be emailed to communications@clifonline.org, or mailed to the address listed below by Feb. 28, 2023.
Author Instructions:
In exactly TWO SENTENCES (no more, no less!), tell us a story about winter.
- This story could be about something you like to do in winter.
- This story could be about a favorite winter memory.
- This story could be straight out of your imagination.
The only rules are that your entry must to be an original story by YOU, and you have only TWO SENTENCES to tell it!
Teachers and Guardians: Check out our supplementary Winter Writing Contest Activity!
The Prizes!
A panel of CLiF judges will choose the top entry in each of the three age categories:
- 6 years and under
- 7 to 9 years
- 10 to 12 years
Each winner will receive a FIVE BOOK mini-library, customized to their age and interests!
Additional Details:
Each entry must contain:
- Author’s name, age, hometown and state
- Submitting adult’s name, relationship to author, contact email
To enter, use the printable template provided (optional) or supplies of your own. Make sure you include the required information!
Entries may be scanned and emailed to communications@clifonline.org (please send group entries as a zip attachment, not individually!) or mailed to:
CLiF Winter Writing Contest
1536 Loomis Hill Road
Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Entries must be either received by email or postmarked by Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Fine print: Entries submitted to CLiF will not be returned. CLiF reserves the right to publish entries on our website, social media, and any other CLiF platforms. Authors will be identified by first name, last initial; age; and location, unless anonymity is requested. We look forward to reading your work!
Teachers and Guardians: Check out our supplementary Winter Writing Contest Activity!
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. My child can’t write. Can they dictate the story to me?
Yes! We just ask that it be a story in their own words.
2. Can my child submit multiple entries?
Yes! We love the enthusiasm.
3. Does poetry count?
4. My emailed entry bounced back?
Please make sure to email submissions to communications@clifonline.org
5. This contest sounds fun but I am not eligible to enter because I am over 12 and/or don’t live in VT or NH.
Please feel free to send us your entry anyway; it just won’t be eligible to win a prize!
I was curious when the winners were going to be announced and if you’re going to publish the stories anywhere? I would love to read them!
Thank you!