
All About CLiF’s At-Risk Program

One of the Children’s Literacy Foundation’s core programs is our At-Risk grant, which supports children up to age 12 in Vermont and New Hampshire who are at higher risk of growing up with low literacy skills. 


Join the CLiF Team!

We’re hiring! The Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF), an award-winning nonprofit based in Waterbury Center, Vermont is currently seeking two new team members: a Literacy Program Manager and a Development/Finance Coordinator.


A Series of Unlucky Protagonists

After much research, our CLiF team of experts has determined that one of the best methods of distracting oneself from irrational fears is by reading to or with a child. In honor of Friday the 13th, a day historically linked with unluckiness, we’ve rounded up a selection of books with protagonists prone to misfortune and misadventure. 


Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day at Your Local Bookshop!

This Saturday is Independent Bookstore Day, an annual one-day party held at bookstores nationwide the last Saturday in April. It’s always a great day to drop by your local bookshop, as many stores plan fun events such as author talks, book signings, storytelling sessions, giveaways and more! At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, we are huge … Continued


An Earth Day Reading List

This year’s Earth Day theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” While there are countless actions to consider in the fight against the climate crisis, arguably one of the best planetary investments we can make is prioritizing climate and environmental literacy. It’s never too early for children to start learning how to respect and protect the … Continued


A Bookworm’s Search for Forgotten Stories

From a very young age, I was a bookworm to such an extreme that it was sometimes problematic. I read at the dinner table, despite my parents forbidding it. I read in the car, even though it made me throw up. I read on play dates, not caring that my friends found me boring. My … Continued

a family reads on the beach


Beach Reads for All Ages

Earlier this month, famed forecaster Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his groundhog lair and spotted his shadow, thereby predicting six more weeks of winter weather. Of course, for those of us residing in the northerly regions served by CLiF, our forecast is far grimmer than even Phil could possibly foretell. We have many seasons still to … Continued

Tired mom flanked by fighting kids


Pandemic Parenting: Are the Kids Alright? Am I?

Back in March 2020, when Vermont schools announced they would not reopen before summer break, I felt a combination of panic and optimism. Panic over having my two squabbling children at home together for the foreseeable future (not to mention over the virus about which we knew so little back then), and optimism over how … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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