
Baby Time! Taking Advantage of Your Local Library’s Resources

Photo: A baby developing early literacy skills at the CLiF table at Burlington Parks & Rec’s annual Kids Day, May 2017 Yesterday, I got to spend my morning surrounded by adorable babies singing songs, flipping through board books, and playing along with their parents at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, VT’s weekly baby time. Talk about … Continued


Confessions of a Bookworm: I FINALLY Got a Library Card

I’m going to share something with you that is totally embarrassing (promise not to tell anyone, ok?): It has been years since I have actually held a library card. Three and a half years, to be more specific. This seems especially mortifying to me, for several reasons: I love to read, and I do it … Continued


A Happy Mind: 5 Ways To Maintain Summer Reading Habits

School starting again means having more things to do: pack lunches, attend meetings, do homework, participate in after-school activities, and the list goes on. While getting back into the swing of the school year is exciting, the shift from summer to fall is overwhelming and often results in the loss of well-formed, closely-followed, summer habits…such … Continued


The Man Who Planted Trees: Reflection of a CLiF Summer Intern

During my time at CLiF, Duncan McDougall lent me a short story called The Man Who Planted Trees, by Jean Giono. I developed the habit of reading to my sister before bed this summer and upon exhausting her extensive Junie B. Jones collection I convinced her to let me read Giono’s story. It only took … Continued


What’s On Your Bookshelf This Summer? The CLiF Team’s Summer Reads

It should come as no surprise that the staff at CLiF – where our mission is to nurture a love of reading and writing among low-income, at-risk, and rural children in New Hampshire and Vermont – loves to read! Here’s what we’ve been reading this summer.  Stephanie & the Kucinskas Family’s Summer Reads   When … Continued


Take the Challenge: CLiF’s Summer Reading Challenge

Did you know that today, July 13th, is National Summer Learning Day? Sponsored by the National Summer Learning Association, it’s a day of advocacy and nation-wide educational initiatives aimed at elevating the importance of keeping kids learning, safe, and healthy every summer, ensuring they return to school in the fall ready to succeed in the school … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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