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Reading to Newborns

You are your child’s first teacher, and your challenge is to help your child become a successful reader.


CLiF Pets Read, too!

It’s probably no surprise that the CLiF Staff loves to read. After all, our mission is to share our love of reading and writing with low-income, at-risk, and rural kids in Vermont and New Hampshire. So of course, we read a lot. We read with our kids; we read by ourselves; and sometimes, we read … Continued


Young Donors Spread the Joy of Literacy

While children all over the world have been sending Santa their wish lists, two young CLiF donors had another idea. They decided to put Santa to work for a cause they cared about. The Patchett-Walsh grandchildren chose to raise money for the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) by making the beautiful Santas you see above and selling them … Continued


The Gift of Reading

There is a four-year-old girl who comes to the library every week with her mother and older sister.


In Defense of Being a Kid (No Matter How Old You Are)

On a recent trip to Boston, my husband asked me, “Do you think going to the aquarium as an adult would be as fun as I remember it? Or is going to ruin it?” The undeniable answer: No matter how old you are, aquariums are still cool. And I’m pretty sure we weren’t the only … Continued


7 Uniquely Fun Storytelling Activities to Do With Kids

Image Source: Transition Town Totnes   Storytelling is a great opportunity to widen a child’s imagination. In this article, we share with you 7 unique activities to make the experience a lot more fun. Children develop their imagination at a very young age, and through activities like storytelling, you can help your child develop his/her … Continued

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Your Kids Are Paying Attention: How to Talk to Them About Politics

I don’t want to talk about politics. You don’t want to talk about politics. But let’s talk about how we talk to kids about politics. Because they’re paying attention, and if we don’t help them frame what they’re hearing in context, they’ll fill in their own blanks. Just because they won’t be eligible to vote … Continued


Halloween Treats That Won’t Rot Your Teeth – CLiF’s Favorite Halloween Books

Last week at Russell Elementary School in Rumney, NH, professional storyteller Simon Brooks captivated kindergarteners through eighth graders with a hilarious Halloween tale about a trick-or-treater and the cursed black bubblegum (that’s him telling stories at RES above). Students of all ages squealed and giggled and were completely enraptured in Simon’s scary voices and pantomiming … Continued


Why Writing Matters As Much As Reading

My first grade teacher, Mrs. A., told me I could be a writer. For a voracious young reader, this revelation was life-changing. I’d loved to read and make up my own stories from a very young age, and while my parents encouraged it, no one had ever read one of my stories and told me … Continued


Who Decides What Kids Can Read?

Did you know it’s Banned Books Week (September 25 – October 1, 2016)? According to bannedbooksweek.org, “The Banned Books Week Coalition is a national alliance of diverse organizations joined by a commitment to increase awareness of the annual celebration of the freedom to read. The Coalition seeks to engage various communities and inspire participation in Banned Books … Continued


Forget the Kids, Time for Mom and Dad to Head Back to School!

As summer ends, we all begin to think about preparing our children for the school year to come – new backpacks, sneakers, pencils, and notebooks. You have double and triple-checked the list that you received in July – outlining everything that your child will need in the year to come, but you stop to wonder … Continued


Changing Ideologies; My First Time in a Prison

Recently, while scrolling Facebook, I found myself stopping to watch a video comparing prisons in Norway to those in the United States. Before clicking on the video, my heart had already sunk to the bottom of my chest – I knew exactly what was coming next, but I still wanted to know more. I wanted … Continued


CLiF is Hiring!

Are you an enthusiastic, organized professional with communications experience and a love of literacy? CLiF seeks a part-time Communications Manager to manage our external communications, media relations, and overall outreach. CLiF has a small, committed staff and an 18-year history of substantial growth and results. Communications duties include: pitching media stories and op-ed essays to … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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