Book Recommendations

Maximizing Resources in Your Community

The Lake was placid, but a momentary commotion caused by a pair of loons who swooped down to breach the glass surface sent a wave of mirrored ripples across the lake. After the loons silent glide, they dove under the water for food, and all was calm again. Serenity. Despite the distraction of the amazing … Continued

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If you're a parent and...

If You’re a Parent and…You Have an Hour

I volunteer in the school library every Friday afternoon. A few weeks ago, my scheduled time overlapped with a special program called “I Can Hour.” Because the school librarian did the bulk of the event’s organization, I was pressed into service. That Friday it was Zumba, not book check out for me. This event required … Continued

CLiF Spotlight

Mr. Tim’s Bike

By Caroline Jones Let me begin by saying that “Mr. Tim’s Bike” sounds like an awesome children’s book, and someone should get started on writing it right now. We can talk later about splitting the profits. So here’s the deal: Mr. Tim is a para-educator at J. J. Flynn Elementary School in Burlington, and I … Continued

General / CLiF Spotlight

Sustaining Momentum through Creativity

What do skiing, books, and microcontrollers all have in common? The CLiF Community Literacy Conference, of course! In all honesty, the skiing was only a background as attendees sat slopeside in the conference room at The Mountain Club on Loon. While the spring skiers glided past the window, teachers, principals, librarians, and other eager past, … Continued

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General / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF Spotlight: Let’s All Read Across America

I started hearing Christmas music in October. No exaggeration – I was still shopping for the final touches of my son’s Halloween costume when the bells were jingling and the sleighs were dashing right there in my radio speakers. I love family traditions and glowing lights and – oh, wow – nothing compares to the … Continued

Twas The Night Before Christmas...


CLiF Spotlight: A Book On Every Bed

Here’s a holiday tradition all of us at CLiF wholeheartedly endorse. A Book On Every Bed is a program developed by the advice columnist Amy Dickinson together with Ithaca, NY’s Family Reading Partnership (whose executive director, Brigid Hubberman, was the keynote speaker at CLiF’s 2013 Community Literacy conference). The idea — and the concept can be adjusted for … Continued

Girls reading new books after a CLiF event

General / CLiF Spotlight

Evidence That Pleasure Reading Matters

Last week Mediabistro’s Galleycat blog released a post with a headline that sent hearts fluttering through the CLiF office: ‘Pleasure Reading “Significantly” Increases School Performance‘ The post is in reference to a study by the Institute of Education at the University of London. From the study: “The IOE study, which is believed to be the … Continued

CLiF Spotlight

Welcome CLiF Nonprofit Fellow Katie Gunn

Katie Gunn is a native Vermonter who works for the management consulting firm Oliver Wyman in New York City. The firm’s Nonprofit Fellowship Program allows its consultants to take several months to work closely with a nonprofit anywhere in the world. Katie will lend her expertise to CLiF from July through October. Tell us a … Continued


Top Ten Reasons Reading Is Better Than Watching TV

1)      If you fall asleep while reading you don’t miss anything.   2)      It’s quiet. 3)      You can do it ANYWHERE including places with no cell service, electricity, wifi, or satellite transmission.   4)      It’s private, just you and the author linking minds and ideas.   5)      It’s free with a library card, and sometimes … Continued

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General / CLiF Spotlight / How You Can Help

Summertime Reading Contest

Got a “summer reader” in your life? How would he or she like a bundle of brand new books to read on the beach, at the playground, in a treehouse, or anywhere inviting this summer? Enter our Summertime Reading Contest on Facebook for a chance to win 15 brand new books and give other children … Continued


Reptiles, Mushers, and a Gecko Named Lizzie

Do you want to get students excited about reading nonfiction? Invite some lizards to school. Twice in the past two years, Lunenburg Elementary School has invited creatures that include reptiles and canines to visit students. The ulterior motive, of course, is to get them to read all sorts of books about dogs, lizards, mushers, snakes, and even … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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