Rock ‘n’ Read at your Library this Summer!
As the school year comes to a close and life begins to slow down a bit for some, public libraries everywhere are gearing up for their busiest time of the year: the summer reading program.
Articles tagged Library
As the school year comes to a close and life begins to slow down a bit for some, public libraries everywhere are gearing up for their busiest time of the year: the summer reading program.
It should come as no surprise that the staff at CLiF – where our mission is to nurture a love of reading and writing among low-income, at-risk, and rural children in New Hampshire and Vermont – loves to read! Here’s what we’ve been reading this summer. Stephanie & the Kucinskas Family’s Summer Reads When … Continued
When my library first began our youth book group a few years ago, there was one girl who never missed a meeting. She loved to read, and she always left the library with a smile and a big stack of books in her arms.
In my experience the movie version of a book is almost never as good as the actual book.
In a public library, summer is the time of year when the children’s room truly comes to life.
On June 25 I donned shorts and flip-flops and traveled to Bethlehem, NH to visit Copper Cannon Camp (CCC) located on 128 acres adjacent to the White Mountain National Forest.
June is here! We’re celebrating lots of grant program finales and are gearing up for summer… Summer Readers in particular. Let’s take a breather to catch up on some literacy news. Just in time for Father’s Day next weekend, here’s the #DadsRead campaign. The campaign, “designed to encourage fathers to read with their kids and celebrate dads who … Continued
General / CLiF Spotlight / Book Recommendations
Lots of news over the past two weeks! Here’s the roundup: First, happy Children’s Book Week! In the brilliant ideas department: Florida kids (and Salt Lake City, and a few others) with overdue books are allowed to read down their library fines–instead of having their borrowing cut off until they scrape together fees. Way to keep the library accessible to the … Continued
Every couple of months, I meet and discuss books with a group of some of the most critical and thoughtful readers I know. They’re insightful, articulate, and extremely smart. They’re also in grades 4 through 8.
It’s National Library Week! This week celebrates our public and school libraries as trusted, relevant, and committed community resources and raises awareness of challenges libraries face. CLiF is honored to partner with many rural libraries that bring incredible value to their communities–often on shoestring budgets. This week the American Libraries Association (ALA) released the State … Continued
Happy Friday! Here are some stories we liked this week: A review of Bookmooch, a book swap club, and impressive statistics on how members can donate their points to “school libraries, classroom libraries, public libraries, and prison libraries” so they can choose gently used books for their collections. Closing the literacy achievement gap by ‘re-gifting’ the love of … Continued
On January 29, 2014, Duncan got lost on his way to Bethlehem Public Library. You would think he’d know how to get there–CLiF has awarded Bethlehem a Rural Libraries sponsorship three times since 2003. But he walked into the building it shared with the town offices, and there it was… gone. Turns out this town … Continued
Trying something new here in the CLiF office. We’re tuned in to literacy news from near and far, and there are great stories every day out there about reading, writing, and books. So in the spirit of sharing resources, every week (mostly) we’ll post a mini library of links to stories we like. If you … Continued
Kids’ minds are so amazing. Their appetites for new information and ideas are so voracious that they sometimes remind me of Cookie Monster gobbling cookies. It’s a beautiful thing to behold and being reminded of it makes me so proud to be a contributor to CLiF’s blog. A few mornings a week I help out … Continued
CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.