CLiF Grant Applications

CLiF’s 2024-2025 Rural Library Grantees

Twelve public libraries in Vermont and New Hampshire are recipients ofthe Rural Library grant awarded by the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF). This grant, valuedat over $7,000, provides new library books for the public and school libraries, literacyprogramming events, storytelling sessions, book giveaways and more over the course of the2024-25 school year.  “CLiF’s Rural Library grant … Continued

CLiF team / CLiF Spotlight / How You Can Help

Volunteer Spotlight: Jim Comley

If you haven’t yet had the good fortune to meet Jim Comley, one of CLiF’s longest serving volunteers, now’s your chance! Q. How long have you volunteered at CLiF, and how did you find your way to CLiF’s doors? Going on 15 years; I started in the fall of 2009; Duncan posted a call for … Continued


Two-Sentence Stories: And the Winners Are…

When we launched CLiF’s first Two-Sentence Story Contest back in February 2023, we were realistic about our goals and expectations. “Thirty entries would be great,” we agreed. “That would be a success.”  The challenge for that inaugural contest was: “Tell us a story about winter.” And, as it turns out, the children of Vermont and … Continued

Year of the Book

CLiF’s 2024-2025 Year of the Book Schools

It’s an exciting time at CLiF, as we recently selected the 12 public elementary schools in Vermont and New Hampshire that will receive our flagship Year of the Book grant during the 2024-2025 school year. This grant provides each school with up to $25,000 in literacy resources, including in-person visits from professional authors and illustrators; … Continued

General / Writing / Literacy Activities

CLiF’s 2024 Two-Sentence Writing Contest

CLiF’s 2024 Two-Sentence Writing Contest is underway! This year’s theme is “Tell Us a Two-Sentence Story That Takes Place in the Sky.” Free to enter, and open to all Vermont and New Hampshire kids 12 and under. Prizes will be awarded to top entries. Submissions must be received by March 29.

Year of the Book

Dancing with Literacy

I recently had the pleasure of witnessing literacy and dance come together at the Integrated Arts Academy (IAA) in Burlington, VT, where students performed dances they choreographed with Rose Bedard as part of a teaching artist residency sponsored by the Vermont Arts Council and CLiF’s Year of the Book grant.


Volunteer Spotlight: Trevor Luce

CLiF is incredibly fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers whose behind-the-scenes efforts boost our organization’s efficiency and function immeasurably. We recently sat down with Trevor Luce, the tech guru who generously serves as CLiF’s entire IT department, to ask him a few questions about his background with the organization, and what motivates him to volunteer.

Book drive / How You Can Help

Hooray for Indie Bookstores!

We want to offer special recognition to our bookstore friends holding book drives for CLiF this holiday season. Each of these stores is a community mainstay, and we are very grateful for our shared commitment to inspiring young readers throughout the Twin States. Just one more reason to shop small, local and literary this season–and every season!

Book Recommendations

Book Review: “The Vanderbeekers Ever After”

Remember when you were a young person and you read books that just wrecked you or made you think deeply? For me, as a child, it was “Bridge to Terabithia,” by Katherine Paterson (who is an emeritus CLiF presenter!). More recently, I added a new book to my list: “The Vanderbeekers Ever After.” It’s one of those that unexpectedly shakes you awake to the power of a really good book.

Year of the Book

Lyrics and Literacy

We often tend to think of literacy as the outcome of an instructional practice around reading and writing. But literacy is also a way to communicate and make sense of the world, and music can play an important role in complementing the pedagogy and helping students with their acquisition of skills.

General / Year of the Book

Another Year of the Book Kicks Off!

The CLiF Year of the Book grant is a huge deal for schools that are selected. It’s a massive infusion of funds, support, and events designed to help a school build a culture of literacy over the academic year. And, of course, they get lots of books! Students (grades preK-6) each get to take home 10 new, high-quality books that they choose for themselves from a diverse selection.


Ten Tips for Reading with Your Child

It’s never too early to start reading with your child. Because our brains begin to develop the building blocks of language during infancy, even newborn babies benefit from being read to by a parent or caregiver. Not only does reading aloud to your child help build their listening skills, vocabularies and attention spans, it is also a great opportunity to bond and create positive memories together. 


Fall Literacy Activities Kids Will Love

The leaves are starting to turn, the air is growing brisker, and the pumpkin spice is running rampant. Fall is officially here, bringing with it a slew of seasonal literacy activities you can do with your child! As kids settle back into their school day routines, it’s a great time to instill an appreciation for reading and writing that extends beyond the classroom setting.


A Library Card Opens New Worlds

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month, the perfect time to take your child to sign up for their first library card! In today’s fast-paced digital age, where information is just a click away, it can be too easy for some to overlook the timeless appeal of the library. However, libraries remain an invaluable resource for cultivating a love of reading and learning, especially among children. The simple act of acquiring a library card opens the door to endless possibilities for a child, while establishing the groundwork for a lifelong relationship with an institution where everyone is welcome. 

CLiF team / General

Join the CLiF Team!

The Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) is looking for a part-time finance coordinator to join our team! Perks include flexible hours, friendly co-workers, a brand-new office space with plenty of parking, bottomless mugs of Nespresso coffee, being part of an organization with an undeniably great mission, and much more!

General / Book Recommendations

Book Picks from Book People

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF), we’re big believers in encouraging kids to choose their own books, but we also recognize that a little guidance can be helpful. With that in mind, we asked some bookish pals to recommend some of their favorite books for readers aged 8 to 12. Here’s what they said.

General / Book Recommendations

After the Flood: Helping Kids Find Resilience Through Literature

Two weeks ago, my 9-year-old daughter watched our beloved hometown of Montpelier, VT go from an idyllic downtown to a mess of ruined homes, businesses, apartments, and office buildings. We’ve witnessed a lot of destruction as well as people coming together to support each other, fundraise, and rebuild. I cannot emphasize these messages of resilience enough as we think and talk about the flood. And yet, I must say it’s a very, very sad scene. 


CLiF’s Summer Newsletter

CLiF sends out a print newsletter twice a year, sharing stories from our programs, news from our partners and presenters, our map representing the sites we serve, and of course, lots of pictures from our events! If you don’t currently receive our print newsletter, and would like to, please send us an email!

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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