General / Presenter Profiles / CLiF Spotlight

CLiF’s Fall Storytelling Series

CLiF’s Wednesday afternoon storytelling series is back! Join CLiF and one of our professional presenters Wednesdays at 1 p.m. EST from October 14 to November 18; register here. Watch the spring and summer presentations here. CLiF started these weekly sessions to: offer kids and parents a chance to take a break and share a story, … Continued


CLiF’s Book Club for Grown-ups: The Mountains Wild

Since April, we’ve been offering a weekly virtual storytelling series for kids, featuring CLiF’s amazing storytellers, authors, and illustrators. Now, we’ll be offering a virtual book club for grown-ups, too! Many of the 68 Vermont and New Hampshire authors/storytellers we work with also write for adults. This will be an opportunity to dig into the … Continued


Read Widely: Diversifying the Books Our Kids Read

Many of the books available to children and teens don’t reflect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of today’s world. According to a 2018 study, 50% of characters in children’s books were white, only 10% were Black, 5% were Latinx, and only 1% were Native American. 27% featured main characters that were animals, significantly more than … Continued

General / Book Recommendations

What Books Are Flying Off the CLiF Shelves?

At any given time, the CLiF library is filled with thousands of beautiful new books waiting to find eager young readers. We give away high-quality books for every reader’s level and interests. We do our best to offer a wide variety of diverse titles, both classics and new books and series. Here are some of … Continued

General / Book Recommendations

What Are You Reading This Summer?

It should come as no surprise that the CLiF staff loves to read! After all, our mission is to share that love with all kids in New Hampshire and Vermont. And there’s no better time to read than summer, especially as so many social events and programs are either cancelled or online, giving us more … Continued


Welcome, Kat!

The CLiF team is thrilled to welcome our new Data/Office Manager, Kat Lane! While it may be an unusual time to start a new endeavor, Kat is up to the challenge and is already learning the ropes to help keep CLiF running smoothly. She’ll maintain our donor database and finances and perform administrative tasks to … Continued


4 Things Parents Can do to Keep Their Kids Encouraged and Inspired

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels On a given day, a child may endure an argument with a friend, a disapproving remark from a teacher, a bad grade, or any other number of discouraging experiences. As a parent, you want your child to move past these experiences, learn from them, and maintain a positive outlook. … Continued


Boosting Your Literacy Skills: 5 Time-Tested Techniques

People often tend to keep the status quo even if there are proven ways to improve their skills or knowledge. Literacy is definitely one area many individuals can work on, particularly if you know that it represents a fundamental asset in the 21st century. Despite the steady rise in literacy rates over the past 50 … Continued

General / Education

How to Make Children Fall in Love with Reading

As a parent, you already know how important reading is to children. Studies have shown that the attitude of a child towards reading and learning is the strongest indicator of how well he or she will do in school, regardless of their economic or social background. Studies have also shown that children who read for … Continued


Give Books to Kids This Summer

It’s never been more important for all kids to have access to books. Kids who are not reading this summer could lose valuable literacy skills. With many schools, summer programs, and libraries closed or virtual, many children (especially low-income children) don’t have access to reading materials. They are at risk of falling behind in literacy, … Continued


How to Help Your Kids Cope with Quarantine

With many schools shut for the foreseeable future, children are now spending more time than ever at home. This can be challenging for parents who are unequipped for such an unusual task. Luckily, we have some tips and suggestions for keeping you and you child going. Start A New Project Starting a new project with … Continued


CLiF’s Virtual Storytelling Series

CLiF staff and presenters are saddened that COVID-19 means we can not visit schools, libraries, and out-of-school-time programs to complete our exciting grants. Instead, we offer your students the chance to interact live with our presenters from home. For five weeks starting May 5, each Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. EST, we will have an opportunity … Continued

Matt Forrest Esenwine

General / Presenter Profiles / CLiF Spotlight

Matt Forrest Esenwine, Poet

CLiF would like to introduce or re-introduce you to Matt Forrest Esenwine of Warner, NH. Matt has three new books (WOW!) coming out in 2020. CLiF created the outline below to help students of all ages think about his poems and poetry. Matt writes stories in verse and poems. Can you think of some books written to … Continued

Simon Brooks

General / Presenter Profiles / CLiF Spotlight

Simon Brooks, Storyteller

CLiF would like to introduce or re-introduce you to Simon Brooks of New London, NH, originally from England. Simon has shared his stories with LOTS of children in Vermont and New Hampshire through CLiF. CLiF is offering a unique opportunity to join Simon for storytelling and questions and answers via Zoom on May 12. CLiF … Continued

General / Book Recommendations

The Books That Shaped Me

For us book-lovers, books are more than just a pastime; they’re part of us. The books we read in our early years in particular had an impact on our ways of thinking and viewing the world. They taught us what we know, gave us an escape from whatever was happening in our young lives, and … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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