
An Attitude of Gratitude

This week, we’re feeling grateful for everyone who helps us spread the joy of literacy to low-income, at-risk, and rural kids across New Hampshire and Vermont. As a matter of fact, we feel grateful for your help all year long! We couldn’t do what we do without you, our supporters, partners, and advocates. We’re thankful … Continued


Standing up and standing out in the face of adversity

We’ve all seen famous figures standing up for what they believe in, making a difference, appearing powerful in their capacity to stand strong for a cause they support. But how can we pluck up the courage to face seemingly impossible obstacles and fight for justice? There is a wide range of inspirational leaders who have … Continued

General / Year of the Book

Spotlight on a Year of the Book School: Bristol Elementary School in Bristol, NH

Bristol, NH students squealed with delight as storyteller Duncan McDougall recounted the classic story of Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. Duncan jumped around and used funny voices to bring the beloved story to life. This was the first of many visits from CLiF’s 64 talented authors, illustrators, poets, and storytellers that Bristol Elementary School will get this … Continued


The Art of Revising: A Writer’s Tips

CLiF Presenter author/illustrator Jason Chin shares during his presentations his process for creating and revising his picture books (you can watch this video on Jason’s presentation at JFK Elementary in Winooski, VT this summer). He shows kids the various drafts his work has gone through to become his non-fiction picture books. He tells them about … Continued

Presenter Profiles

Q & A with Storyteller Simon Brooks

CLiF couldn’t do what we do without the 64 amazing NH and VT authors, illustrators, and storytellers we work with. These talented folks travel all over NH and VT visiting kids at schools, libraries, summer camps and rec programs, after school programs, affordable housing units, and other places children spend time. One of our most … Continued


What’s Your Favorite Banned Book?

Do you remember that scene in Field of Dreams where Annie stands up to a parent trying to ban one of her favorite books? It’s a powerful moment when Annie defends free speech and the right to learn. Though that memorable scene was filmed nearly 30 years ago, banning books still happens throughout the U.S. today. … Continued


Tips for Basic Grantwriting

For the past 20 years, Duncan McDougall has successfully been raising funds (while telling stories to LOTS of kids) to support CLiF’s continued growth. We asked him to share his technique for fundraising and grant writing with our Year of the Book teachers at a past Community Literacy Conference. These tips are meant for beginner … Continued


Why I Write Children’s Books

I think the question I am asked most frequently by individuals, organizations and the media with respect to my children’s book series, Lady Lucy’s Quest, is this:  Why would a former college president (and law professor) write children’s stories?   Sometimes the question reveals genuine curiosity, a desire to understand why I write these children’s … Continued


What the CLiF Staff is Reading on National Read a Book Day

Did you know today is National Read a Book Day? Consider this your permission to stop what you’re doing and READ A BOOK! That’s what we’re going to do, because here at CLiF, we love reading and we love sharing our love of reading (and writing!) with low-income, at-risk, and rural kids in New Hampshire … Continued

CLiF Spotlight

Literacy Programs Kids (And Parents) Will Love!

As schools, libraries, afterschool programs, and preschools ramp up for fall, we wanted to share some low-cost literacy program ideas that CLiF partners generated last year. Many of our grants now include an additional program component. The ideas listed here came from these CLiF opportunities: Last winter, CLiF added a $500 Revive grant to any … Continued


In the CLiF Library: What Kids Are Reading This Summer

It’s been a busy summer at CLiF serving nearly 10,000 kids at 140+ Summer Readers events all over New Hampshire and Vermont! We’ve given away more than 18,000 books to kids in need and inspired them with CLiF’s passionate storytellers. At CLiF Summer Readers events, kids get to choose 2 new books for themselves from … Continued



I was lucky enough to be the Children’s Literacy Foundation 2018 summer intern. Unlike the typical intern you would see in pop culture, I don’t get the coffee. Instead I work behind-the-scenes doing program coordination, outreach, social media updates and administrative work. One of my favorite and most important jobs at CLiF is assisting in … Continued

If you're a parent and...

If You’re a Parent And…You’re Finding a Voice

When my fourth grade daughter started thinking about her informational writing piece, a culminating writing project of sorts, she initially focused on topics about which she was knowledgeable – myths (thank you Rick Riordan), dogs, skiing. I asked her what she wanted to learn more about, and her answer was the Taliban. I put that … Continued


How to Encourage an Aspiring Young Writer

Does your child love to write? How can you encourage her passion without turning writing into a chore? As I write this from a writers’ retreat in Lost River, WV, I’m reflecting on what’s helped my writing, from making up my own stories as a young child until now, as a  Master’s candidate in Fiction … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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