

I was lucky enough to be the Children’s Literacy Foundation 2018 summer intern. Unlike the typical intern you would see in pop culture, I don’t get the coffee. Instead I work behind-the-scenes doing program coordination, outreach, social media updates and administrative work. One of my favorite and most important jobs at CLiF is assisting in … Continued


How to Encourage an Aspiring Young Writer

Does your child love to write? How can you encourage her passion without turning writing into a chore? As I write this from a writers’ retreat in Lost River, WV, I’m reflecting on what’s helped my writing, from making up my own stories as a young child until now, as a  Master’s candidate in Fiction … Continued


Play Ball! A Night Out at the Ballpark with CLiF

On Sunday, July 8, CLiF’s staff gave away hundreds of children’s books to kids at the Vermont Lake Monsters game in Burlington. CLiF tries to get out in the communities we serve to let folks know what we’re up to in their area and to put books in the hands of even more kids. Several … Continued


1 Day, 6 Presenters, 9 events: Are You Ready for Summer Readers?

CLiF is taking on summer 2018 with our Summer Readers program. Summer Readers brings storytelling presentations and book giveaways to libraries, schools, camps, and more sites all across New Hampshire and Vermont. Watch this video to get a taste of CLiF’s Summer Readers program. This summer CLiF hopes to serve over 9,000 children and give … Continued


5 Ways Reading Can Prevent Loneliness

Americans are lonely. The rate of people feeling misunderstood and not heard is at an all-time high. In fact, a study that was conducted by Cigna in May 2018 showed that nearly half of the 20,000 Americans surveyed feel alone or left out.   In order to break away from the pattern of loneliness, people … Continued


Rock ‘n’ Read at your Library this Summer!

As the school year comes to a close and life begins to slow down a bit for some, public libraries everywhere are gearing up for their busiest time of the year: the summer reading program.


Building Books in Real Time

Hello out there gang….. I’m excited to have you all join me one way or another. I’ve built my last 2 books with my own readers, yup, in “real time,” too. What I mean by that is teachers and students have been following me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter when I’m out in the field … Continued


The Power of Poetry

April is National Poetry Month, a time to celebrate poetry in all its forms. Many schools and programs take advantage of this month to launch poetry units and special events. Towns such as Montpelier, VT celebrate with Poem City, a city-wide initiative that posts poetry all over public spaces and celebrates poets with readings and … Continued


The Importance of Reading Bedtime Stories To Your Child Before Sleep

Once upon a time, there was a parent who had a child. For one reason or another, this parent didn’t read to their child. Why? We’re not sure. Perhaps that’s a different story – one that involves excuses like “being too tired” or wanting to binge-watch Friends for the eleventh time because they’re deeply unsatisfied with … Continued


CLiF Turns 20!

The Children’s Literacy Foundation (“CLiF”) has been inspiring a love of reading and writing among low-income, at-risk, and rural kids in Vermont and New Hampshire for 20 years! In that time, we’ve served more then 225,000 kids in 400+ communities and given away nearly $6 million in children’s books! Last week, we celebrated this milestone … Continued

Our history


After 20 Years, CLiF Has Just Begun

Twenty years ago this week the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) was born. Like all new nonprofits, we started small. Our first initiative was the Rural Library Program. We created it to provide collections of new, high-quality children’s books to rural public libraries in New Hampshire or Vermont that were struggling with limited resources, and that … Continued


Spotlight on the CLiF Year of the Book

We’re a little more than halfway through the school year, and, for ten schools in Vermont and New Hampshire this year, the CLiF Year of the Book, which promotes a celebration of reading and writing all year long. As we welcome National Reading Month, which kicks off with Read Across America Day on March 2nd (beloved … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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