
6 Tips To Find Your Own Unique Writing Style

Writing can be a miraculous activity that thrills both authors and readers from all over the world. Almost everyone starts writing at one point in life because somehow it just feels natural to express your thoughts and feelings in the textual form. But not everyone is capable of writing uniquely. It takes a genuine master … Continued


Announcing the Winners of CLiF’s Kids’ Writing Contest!

We asked kids 12 & under in New Hampshire and Vermont to reimagine their favorite fairy tales in keeping with the Collaborative Summer Learning Program’s 2020 theme: “Imagine Your Story.” We were impressed by all of the creative “fractured fairy tales” we received! Stories included “Humpty Mumpty,” who puts the king’s men together again, the … Continued


Submit to CLiF’s Kids’ Writing Contest!

What if the witch’s house in Hansel and Gretel was made of vegetables instead of candy? What if the Big Bad Wolf wasn’t so bad? What if your favorite fairy tales were different? Reimagine classic stories for CLiF’s “Fractured Fairy Tales” writing contest for kids! This summer’s Collaborative Summer Library Program’s theme is Imagine Your … Continued


Happy Poetry Month!

April is #NationalPoetryMonth, and while poetry slams, readings, and school-wide events may be cancelled, you can still celebrate poetry at home! Watch poets/CLiF presenters Rajnii Eddins and Ted Scheu (“That Poetry Guy”) perform their original work. Poetry Out Loud’s national competition has, of course, been cancelled this year, but they still have a fantastic selection … Continued

Writing / Literacy Activities

Write On! Fun Writing Prompts

What better time to practice writing? In addition to being an important skill for self-expression and communication, and essential to success in school and life, writing can be a good way to process what’s happening, record your ideas, reduce stress, and have fun! Make writing a part of your child’s daily routine. You can even … Continued

General / Writing

How to Be a Writing Coach

I have a Friday morning routine. I get up, pour a cup of coffee that my husband has left for me, and sit down at my computer. I open the Google doc to see my student’s (let’s call them “E.”) most recent progress on their novel (they usually make changes by Thursday, so I can … Continued

General / Writing

3 Tips to Teach Kids to Learn Writing in a Fun Way

When you want your child to learn something new, the most important thing is to show him that the learning process will be interesting and engaging. Forcing your child to write and driving him into a rigid framework can result in a lack of interest/engagement in writing. For a preschool child, these are all abstractions … Continued

General / Writing

How to Help with Rough Drafts

The process of writing begins before you actually put pen to paper (or words on a screen). Many people find “pre-writing” helpful, notes or an outline to help guide their writing. Some prefer to just jump in and start writing and see what happens. There’s no “right” way to go about writing. Some kids are … Continued

General / Writing

In Praise of Failure

As a writer, I fail. A lot. Since January, I’ve submitted 116 times and gotten 69 rejections. But I’ve also gotten five acceptances, including winning Noir Nation’s Golden Fedora fiction prize, told extremely personal and difficult stories in HuffPost and OC87 Recovery Diaries, and got an Honorable Mention from Glimmer Train. In short, I’m doing … Continued

General / Writing

Teaching Kids How to Unleash Their Creative Writing Genius

When they’re given the freedom to create, children are some of the most imaginatively creative and free thinkers. Nurturing that creativity is important in order keep it active and to encourage them to continue being creative. And, creative story writing is a great way for them to exercise their imaginations and explore the reaches of … Continued

General / Writing

How Writing (and Reading) Can Help Heal Trauma

Whenever I’ve dealt with something difficult in my life, I’ve turned to writing. Writing helps me process, work through challenges, and make sense of my emotions. It also helps me express myself to others. Sometimes the writing turns into something I share with the public; sometimes it never sees the light of day outside of … Continued

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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