
A Spooky Giveaway from CLiF!

The leaves are changing, the air is crisper and Halloween is just around the corner! After discovering an excess of Halloween books in our inventory, we thought it might be fun to celebrate by giving away some copies to our enthusiastic CLiF fans.

Book Recommendations

Inspire Me! Children’s Books That Only Get Better

Anyone with young kids knows the drill – it’s time for bed, you settle yourself comfortably into the rocking chair, prepped and ready for some quality snuggling and an exciting bedtime story. But when you send the little tike off to choose that evening’s book, you find he returns with the story you read the night before…and the night before that…and the night before that…


Ahoy Readers! Mark Your Calendars for September 19th!

I have been hearing about it for months. Just a few days ago, I almost scalded myself while cooking when my husband Tom exclaimed, “IT’S ALMOST HERE!!!”

“What?!” I responded with more than a hint of annoyance. I assumed it was something dire based on his hurried inflection. I held my breath and waited for an admission of an upcoming bill or forgotten birthday.

“Talk Like a Pirate Day!” Tom replied, looking up from his calendar with a Cheshire Cat grin.

Book Recommendations / How You Can Help

No Words Necessary

Time with a toddler can be an exhausting string of activity. When you’re not decoding the cause for the latest tantrum, you’re plucking your child from the arm of the couch before he belly flops onto the cushions.

This past Friday I was watching my own crazed toddler, Emmett, in addition to two other children his age. Needless to say, my morning involved a mug of coffee gone cold and a maze of picking up toys, mopping up milk, and repeatedly reminding them to be gentle. By naptime, I was ready to snooze myself and couldn’t wait for a small window of quietness. Before I lulled them to sleep, however, I bravely tried to tackle story time.

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Awesome People Reading

Usually we here at CLiF eat, think, breathe, and blog kids and kid’s literature. We do love them. But some days you just have to indulge your own interests.

Sometimes I just love the Internet. I really do.

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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