
Join Us for the Free CLiF Community Literacy Conference

Free professional development? The chance to network with colleagues and book lovers across Vermont and New Hampshire? Yes please! It’s all there in the upcoming CLiF Community Literacy Conference.

Dates: March 15, 22, and 29 (3-4:30PM EST)

General / Writing

How reading and writing got me where I am

When I was young, all I wanted to do was read and write (those two things are still pretty much at the top of my list). I was one of those kids who always had a book open—on the playground, at lunch, in line for anything. I loved writing poems and stories like I saw in my beloved books. Sometimes this caused other kids to tease me, but I could always get away by immersing myself in stories, whose characters I sometimes identified with more than the other kids in school.

General / Writing

Announcing CLiF’s Two-Sentence Winter Writing Contest!

CLiF is pleased to announce our 2023 Winter Writing Contest, open to kids 12 and under who live in Vermont or New Hampshire. The challenge: In exactly TWO SENTENCES, tell us a story about winter. Entries must be submitted by email or postmarked by Feb. 28. Read on for more details.

General / Literacy Activities / Book Recommendations

Get Ready for World Read Aloud Day!

Start practicing your character voices and expressive intonations because World Read Aloud Day is coming up on February 1, 2023!

This bookworm-friendly celebration was founded by LitWorld in 2010, and honors the power of reading aloud, while advocating for literacy as a fundamental human right.

General / CLiF Spotlight

Spotlight on CLiF’s At-Risk Program

The Children’s Literacy Foundation’s At-Risk program supports children in Vermont and New Hampshire who are at increased risk of growing up with low literacy skills. The program provides equitable access to inspiring literacy resources and high-quality reading materials to children in both states who might otherwise go without.


Shop Small, Local and Literary!

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, we are huge fans of the many independent bookstores we partner with across New Hampshire and Vermont. Special recognition goes out to our bookstore friends who are holding book drives for CLiF this holiday season.

General / Year of the Book

Spotlight on CLiF’s Year of the Book

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF), our work revolves around inspiring children to feel joy and excitement about reading and writing. Among the ways we accomplish this goal is through our flagship program, CLiF’s Year of the Book, one of our nine literacy programs.

General / How You Can Help

Inspiring a Love of Literacy Is More Important Than Ever

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, our work focuses on serving Vermont and New Hampshire children at highest risk of growing up with low literacy skills. It’s never been more important to ensure kids in our communities have equitable access to enriching literacy experiences and resources. CLiF’s programs serve children in shelters and affordable housing; refugee, foster, and migrant children; children in rural areas; children of incarcerated adults; children scoring below standard in schools; and many others.


Travels with Yoshi: Pownal, VT

In the wee hours of a dark and foggy September morning, I was slumbering peacefully, as is my habit, when suddenly I heard Duncan’s voice, urgently summoning me. “Yoshi! Wake up. We have work to do!”    As CLiF Canine-in-Residence, I have many daily responsibilities, but on this day, I could tell he had something different … Continued

General / Year of the Book

Fall Updates from CLiF

At the Children’s Literacy Foundation, back-to-school season is always a busy, but exciting, time. We are launching new partnerships, building new headquarters, and most importantly, sharing books and stories with kids.


Farewell to CLiF

With my year of service as an AmeriCorps VISTA reaching its end, and the summer ramping down after another successful season of presentations made and books delivered to children and families, I thought I might reflect on my time with the Children’s Literacy Foundation, and what I’ve learned in the last year.


Happy National Dog Day from the Dogs of CLiF!

While dog appreciation occurs daily at CLiF, in celebration of National Dog Day, we’re giving our pups the spotlight they deserve. In keeping with our children’s literacy mission, each furry friend has selected (okay, we chose for them) a favorite work of canine literature to share. Without further ado, meet the dogs of CLiF!

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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