
Early Childhood Motor Skills and Physical Development Through Physical Activity

The health benefits of physical activity are many. Physical activity is crucial for cognitive, physical, emotional and social development, especially in a child’s early years. Children as early as toddlers require physical activity for good health, development of motor skills and physical development. Physical activity like running, throwing, catching or jumping helps strengthen the muscles … Continued


How Simple Exercises Can Help Kids With Their Studies

According to studies, children who work out are more likely to do well in their studies. Read on to learn how exercise can benefit your child, both physically and mentally, and how you can encourage your child to exercise. Boost Your Child’s Concentration with Exercise  At school, every day, kids are dealing with a number … Continued


For a less stressful study time with your child…

Parents know all too well that children get bored really easily and this has become worse with the advent of devices and gadgets. However, loss of attention happens to adults as well, though it changes with age. Most people can only focus for about 10-20 minutes. The best speakers in the world know to crack … Continued

Reflections on a Summer at CLiF


Reflections on a Summer at CLiF

Front Porch Forum doesn’t just help you find your lost dog or that bunk bed you desperately need for your kids. In my case, it found me a summer internship.


Literacy Is Not Only Reading To Write

Literacy is a set of skills needed to function in society. Communication skills, vocabulary, and comprehension are all essential, no matter what your personal or professional goals are. Literacy is not just about reading to write; it is an umbrella under which every aspect of thought processing and action comes with etiquettes. Below are some points to … Continued

General / Book Recommendations

Relax with Reading on Your Summer Vacation

One of my favorite things about lazy summer days is lounging in the sun with a good book. When I was in school summer was the perfect time to catch up on my eternally-long reading list. Now reading is one of my favorite things about a relaxing vacation. My husband and I recently returned from … Continued


Summer’s Here – Break out the Books!

Summer is finally here and it’s time to open a book and enjoy the sunshine! While your child(ren) may have a school-required reading list, it’s also important to encourage them to read what they want. The National Summer Learning Association reports that kids not engaging in educational activities during the summer can lose important gains … Continued

General / Writing

Teaching Kids How to Unleash Their Creative Writing Genius

When they’re given the freedom to create, children are some of the most imaginatively creative and free thinkers. Nurturing that creativity is important in order keep it active and to encourage them to continue being creative. And, creative story writing is a great way for them to exercise their imaginations and explore the reaches of … Continued

Marty Kelley

Presenter Profiles

Q & A with Marty Kelley

One of our popular presenters is author/illustrator Marty Kelley, who has written or illustrated books such as Almost Everybody Farts, Summer Stinks, and A Cape! We asked him what inspires his work.

CLiF has served over 350,000 children since 1998.

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